No President's Day Holiday Bashing...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NihabaAshi, Feb 17, 2003.

  1. like there was for Martin Luther King Holiday under the facade it was another day of not being able to trade?


    I look forward to reading all the bashing of President's Day Holiday by the exact group of user names here at that bashed MLK day.

    I wish every great men and women in the U.S. were honored with a Holiday...then again...we couldn't put all such holidays in a calendar year.

    Unless we put such holidays on weekends as a symbolic honorary holiday.

    To's another nice holiday. Enjoy the holiday all...I'm going back to bed.

    "Apparently, while the holiday in February is still officially known as Washington's Birthday (at least according to the Office of Personnel Management), it has become popularly (and, perhaps in some cases at the state level, legally) known as "President's Day." This has made the third Monday in February a day for honoring both Washington and Lincoln, as well as all the other men who have served as president."

    Here's a few cool links about info about all holidays:
