No one in the ghetto works

Discussion in 'Economics' started by WhiteOut56, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. That's right, backdoor bribery of the voters. Coddled at the bottom and coddled at the top, with everybody in between left to fend for themselves.
    #11     Apr 29, 2011
  2. If they don't the houses deteriorate and everyone's home value drops even more.

    At least that's a big argument they use.

    I guess there is some truth to it.

    Hard core free market thinkers might say so why should we care if other home prices drop as well let the markets do what they do.
    #12     Apr 29, 2011
  3. Stok


    Yup. It's one of the biggest scams in this Country. The democrats figured it out 40-50 years ago and have been working there way to a point that may not be reversible (i.e. the EU).

    That is why you hear all the lies and scare tactics from the dems...just listening to pelosi and reid and all their pussy lies just kills me.

    Anywho, just try to make as much $$ as you can, and get out of the USD and possibly keep your eye on where to move when the toilet finally flushes.
    #13     Apr 29, 2011
  4. MKTrader


    More probably get abducted by aliens.

    I can see it now...the gov't announces a huge crackdown on housing/food stamps/SSI/etc. fraud.

    How many seconds would it take for Jessie J. and Al Sharpton to begin their field day with that one?
    #14     Apr 29, 2011
  5. Stok


    How I found out about this, is we have a Mortgage Bank...our head guy came over to my office all fired up a couple of weeks ago. He has been involved in the mortgage industry for 7 years and never heard about this:

    This nanny state lady called one of our brokers to get a loan that HUD will pay and clear. Yes, there are certain requirements, but this person's only income was UNEMPLOYMENT and SS benefits (from a deceased relative..I think). Anyways, she was a section 8 renter...she qualified...we did the mortgage...the gubernment paid our fees and will pay the mortgage FOREVER...AND she gets to KEEP the house free and clear. You can search it online and find the program

    I got all riled up as well when I heard this crap, and I am not involved in the industry.

    Now, before all the libby's get all pissed...I am all about social programs to help the needy...section 8 is fine, unemployment, safety nets....but with restrictions and time limits, etc.

    But when they get used and abused by both sides (the politicians and the people) for votes it gets very nasty and BK the whole damn Country.

    Ok, enuff of my rant....all above is true and it should piss off everyone working for a living, scratching out money for family, food, gas and retirement.
    #15     Apr 29, 2011
  6. It's very true, part of the "Great Society" that has torn apart this country limb for limb for decades. It was ignored for many years because we were in the midst of the biggest credit bubble known to mankind. Now, that the well has run dry, all of these skeletons are becoming more and more apparent.

    The transfer payments are another backdoor subsidy for big business. Although not directly linked, they are a stop gap measure for continued consumer spending while the private sector continues to hemmorage jobs and purchasing power.
    #16     Apr 29, 2011
  7. It sounds like this plan was fast tracked once they saw all the insurrection and rioting in other countries. They know that this deliberate policy of dollar debasement and bankrupting of the NON-asset holder will create alot of friction going forward. Hence, they will create state sponsored programs that coddle the Democratic voter.

    It will also be used to threaten the voter by using rhetoric as we currently have seen. "If you don't vote for Democrats, the Republicans will take away your government financed house, food stamps, cell phone, healthcare"...oh, and soon enough, it will include gas vouchers.

    Within a few years more of the former middle class will also be on the rolls for all of these benefits. The steady trend in food stamp participation is an undeniable fact of life at this point. It might double within 5 years.
    #17     Apr 29, 2011
  8. Laziness is the only consistent factor in human nature.
    #18     Apr 29, 2011
  9. MKTrader


    Yep. They may have a steady "paycheck" but there are all sorts of cultural/sociological issues involved when you have a population who doesn't work and think they're owed something.

    You're probably better off with a trailer park full of illegals who at least have a strong work ethic. Most go out every day and paint, roof, clean houses, etc. whether or not they're getting assistance.
    #19     Apr 29, 2011
  10. you've gone from slave owner to slave. who do you think is paying for these deadbeats?
    #20     Apr 29, 2011