No more Saturday mail

Discussion in 'Economics' started by CaptainObvious, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Another example of what your government can do for you.

    USPS to propose 5-day mail schedule, major cuts
    Snail mail might soon get even slower.

    The U.S. Postal Service plans to propose Tuesday an adjusted mail service schedule, which will likely cut Saturday delivery. The agency will also suggest closing some branches and expanding its use of self-service kiosks in grocery stores and other popular retail spots, as part of its effort to work its way out of a mountain of debt.

    USPS posted a $3.8 billion loss in its 2009 fiscal year, the latest in a multiyear string of whopping losses. Mail volume was down 12.7% for the year, a trend the agency expects to continue over the next decade as more consumers opt for online bill payments and message delivery.

    The Post Office was $10 billion in debt as of Sept. 30 -- not far off from its $15 billion debt limit, which the agency expects to hit in its 2011 fiscal year.
  2. Do we really need Saturday mail? No point.
  3. Netflix

  4. Even netflix is going digital. Mail delivery should be a couple of days/week.
  5. Zackly.
  6. When its fully there, I'll retract my statement


  7. clacy


    Well, I appreciate your love for Netflix, but non-digital movies will soon be extinct anyway. I would rather the USPS looking for ways to reduce costs than for them to just keep asking for more public money.
  8. You could still pick it up at the post office, right? They're not going to shut down the post office.
  9. clacy


    Also, these guys make way too much money, IMO. How is delivering bucketfuls of spam marketing any more important that delivering pizza? Yet these guys are paid better than many cops and teachers.
  10. Netflix "Watch Instantly" still sucks. Even when you get a HD download, the audio isn't in Dolby Digital. So, your subwoofer and surround speakers sit there lifeless. :(

    It'll be a while before the streaming can compare to a Blu Ray!
    #10     Mar 2, 2010