Nine Reasons To Embrace Failure

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Pension_Admin, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. I read a new study a few days ago that the brain reinforces whatever it does even if you have made a mistake.

    Doing things the wrong way seems to train the brain into making the same mistake easier.

    It runs counterintuitive to how we have been taught how we are supposed to learn from our mistakes.

    Oh well. Just another study.
    #11     Apr 28, 2008
  2. Yes take the fight or flight response, drawdowns can be painful, flight from a solid strategy, end the pain temporarily, and condition urself to do wrong forever jumping from this to that.
    #12     Apr 28, 2008
  3. PA,

    Good post, outdated though.

    I do have a problem though with the way our society reacts to failure in the current climate.

    Fire them!

    Failure costs time and money, no time or money for either.

    Failure is defined by a perception of a lawsuit.

    Failure is defined by insurability.

    People learn from their mistakes and are a much better person as a result.

    BUT, no one will believe that, can't take that chance.


    We fire our failures and hire someone who has never failed until they do fail then we fire them = no one with experience.
    #13     Apr 28, 2008