NIKKEI futures getting slaughtered.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by bond tr4der, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. We will probably see another sharp rally, but don;t expect another leg down. People were expecting that Feb 2003 would be another leg down, but it wasn't. Sucks to be short when the next bull market begins.
    #31     Oct 26, 2008
  2. HSI is not open yet either. The only major market that is open is Aus. SPI -0.13%.
    #32     Oct 26, 2008
  3. Why not another leg down?
    #33     Oct 26, 2008

Cause the average bear market is little more than a year and the govt. will print as much money as needed to ensure recoveries are 'v' shaped. Awhile ago people were concerned about inflation when oil was at 140. Now we're seeing deflation, which gives the fed more options.
    #34     Oct 26, 2008

  5. Agree.

    I'm looking for a rally into FOMC and a very sharp worldwide rally on the Obama election which puts me on the other side of the WSJ McCain hacks and our ET politics crowd. My swing trade for fun on this is SPY NOV 105 C and it is in bad shape so far.

    What I worry about though is more bad news out of Citadel and/or Calpers.
    #35     Oct 26, 2008
  6. Oh, gee, I am thinking the same thing. Both of can't be right ;)
    #36     Oct 26, 2008
  7. Only 3 of us... let's not go public with this until we buy.

    But: An awful lot of damage has been inflicted on the world markets. There are fewer banks and financial instutions; the ones left are too big to fail. Yeah, that's true, that hackneyed phrase but that is a fact. KPM, Citi, BAC, Wells Fargo, HSBC, etc would be allowed to fail? Dream on.

    Enormous money has been poured into the markets and financial sector. And, more to come, we got to be real here - Central banks and Govt have the money and the influence to handle further damage. Whether we like it or not, whether wrong or right, and I am not trading to prove or approve their action but I cannot ignore their power. I am not going to stand in their way because no one can stop them. That's a fact, like it or not.

    They can intervene anytime - expect intervention in currency markets tonight or some time this week, then FED cut rates, maybe coordinated intervention. This is massive rally fuel!

    Selfishly, I want the S&P to go down to 835 or 800 so I can
    buy these financials at lower prices than current and then profit from the rally over the next few days.

    I could be wrong. Have been before and will be in the future. But, the probability of a rally is high. Not to be ignored.
    #37     Oct 26, 2008
  8. Ive been backing up and buying up oil and aud/usd over the weekend..

    was gan buy the dow but couldnt be bothered to take on that risk and have to dela with all its ranging nonsense.. lol

    But as far as fx pairs go you would have to be the biggest fool in the world to still think you can buy up the dollar!! :D

    And for the dow, why all this bearish thinking??
    Its just foolish and stupid...

    Like people are so so grasped in by their little screens, starring at tick bt tick on the graphs, that they havent got a bloody clue how to actually 'trade'!!

    How much further you hope and think the dow will go??

    It was at 13,000 14,000 few months ago...,
    we now crashed down to nearly half of that barely 8,000, all within just a few months.

    And with the dow movng at a few hundred points in 1 of the 2 directions each day how much lower can it go??

    have antother drop a few hundred, maybe even a thousand or 2 down to 5000???! LOL :D :p

    And then if it does fall that low everyone who trades is suddenlt gna decide to giveup on it for a career, and so there will be no more movment and liquidity, and so itl sit at 5000 for a few weeks t month! :p

    WIth a crash this big there will be even more liqudity than ever as everyone will no be seeing how chea everything is and start buying back.

    The wold economy is shit. OK, whats new?? its been liek tis for years and years...
    everyone knew that, everyone knew everyone else knew it too... lol

    Just no-one cared really. then 1day the scare mungering started mianly cos of oil, and then the more the story and idea snowballed the more the newspapers started having stockmarket as front page.

    And so that sparked the whole world into a fear that the world is now over and we gna all be cave men again.,
    idiots and gamblers at gambling centres like lehmans finally ranout of goodluck and gambled away all their money, so what??

    Yet the papers got the story, and wham this is really gna crash the economy for everyone. :D ......................................................

    End result we get th easiest few months ever of selling oil or whatever you trade!!
    And ow get so so many easy closest ule get to risk free buying opportunities.
    #38     Oct 26, 2008
  9. nah, nothing to be concerned is why...the Nikkei is simply reacting to the US markets bad Friday...this is Asian markets first time trading since US trading Friday...US will probably dip overnight, and trade to positive be close...
    #39     Oct 26, 2008
  10. Well, these market appear to be in rougher shape than I thought. I expect a sell off then a rally to green tonight, but just look at the Kospi. It can't keep a 1% bump after a 10% sell off.

    #40     Oct 26, 2008