Niederhoffer still on top !

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. ktm


    He's still selling puts. Looking at his record since 02, his down months coincide with rapid drawdowns in the market. I'm sure he has adjusted his strategy to prevent another blowup, but there's only so much one can do.

    I write spreads and have exposure as well, as do all option writers to some extent. If the market is gonna crash fast, it's gonna take many more with them. It's going to take the stock owners and the arb guys too. Those guys who like to sport the 12-15% per year returns with no drawdowns may go out just like Neiderhoffer and the rest of us, because a few hundred point move is going to turn their far OTM $1 options into something ugly. I agree with Vic as far as playing the game the way he does. If you are going to be dealing in option writing, you need to be giving your clients 40% a year for the risk they are taking.
    #31     Mar 15, 2006
  2. thanks for a non answer.
    #32     Mar 15, 2006
  3. How's that for a meaningful response, vhehn. Any more questions?

    (On the plus side, it sounds so much more impressive than, "I have no idea, but he's my hero and he even lets me talk to him from time to time.")

    Surfer, you are such toady. Does Larry Williams know you are two-timing him?
    #33     Mar 15, 2006
  4. i would like to know if he is still mostly selling puts. if he is doing 50% selling puts he must be using huge leverage because one of the best option sellers ever is not doing anywhere near that good.
    ansbacher only did 11% last years so something doesnt add up.
    #34     Mar 15, 2006
  5. jim c

    jim c

    i know a couple of locals who semi retired off of VNs blow up at the merc. he sorrta got screwed. i mean he put himself in the position but when his clearing firm came to cover his positions for him lets just say the locals didnt let him out easy. one local made 3mil that day alone.i dont know what ever happened in the lawsuit. it was quite a mess. jim
    #35     Mar 15, 2006
  6. I understand. But surely you know by now that surfer limits his cognition to luxuriating in Vic's presence. And Larry's. Not that Larry is in Vic's league (or any other league for that matter), but it gives you an idea of surf's measure. I don't think that surf's posts about either of these guys leave much doubt.
    #36     Mar 15, 2006

  7. your ignorance in this matter is obvious. may i request you refrain from speaking of things you know nothing about. Perhaps a visit to the local library would cheer you up. LOL !

    thank you,

    #37     Mar 15, 2006
  8. Then I would respectfully request that you do the same.

    From time to time, you have spouted Neiderhoffer's various statistical conclusions about the markets in a manner that made it very clear you did not know what you were talking about. (I made this amply clear in my response posts in the relevant threads.)

    More recently, you have demonstrated your shameless intellectual dishonesty in a Larry Williams thread:

    It was not the first time. I doubt it will be the last time. It was merely the most recent time.

    You are a sycophant.
    #38     Mar 15, 2006
  9. Vince1


    His daily trading has always been based on testable patterns (down Friday/down Monday stuff) with a focus on intermarket relationships.

    Because the field became crowded a long time ago and markets change (aka the law of ever-changing cycles) he is constantly looking for new testable ideas, searching inspiration in applied statistics, science, sports, etc.

    Sometimes disconcerting at first glance, some of his ideas are quite stimulating e.g. Education. chap. 10 Deception and Charts (Concealing Coloration)++
    #39     Mar 15, 2006
  10. dog,

    for someone who spends much time in libraries, your ability to read accurately between the lines is lacking. you are seriously misled in your conclusions and frivolous allegations. ad homieum attacks will get you nowhere. stick to the topic please.

    #40     Mar 15, 2006