NFL Primetime Ratings Continue Their Collapse, Ten Weeks Into The Season

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. smallfil


    Nike is cannon fodder each time the BLM and Antifa crowds have their celebrations by looting stores and container vans as what happened in Los Angeles just about 1 month ago. Not to worry, Nike will write off those losses and just raise their prices on idiot saps who buy their products. Most of it made in China so, cost a few bucks each at the most but, sold for hundreds of dollars to the idiot saps who buy them.
    #31     Nov 20, 2020
  2. wrbtrader


    I think you're thinking about "toll roads" and not express lanes. They're common place in Chicago (a place you lived at when you were a kid) and a few locations on the major bridges in the Seattle area. In France and other places...they're known as autoroutes that cost about between 15-40 €.

    In contrast, none here in Québec, Canada or at least I've never seen one here. Yet, I've heard there's one south of Montréal going towards the United States.

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2020
    #32     Nov 20, 2020

  3. Why do only NBA players get the heat then?

    Trump never stood up to China and human rights and still has his clothes made there regularly but NBA suddenly has to speak out for everyone. Trump only cares about money which is why he still get his shitty rags made in China where it has cheap labor.

    You are the kind of person that when someone says they want to protest to raise funds for Autism, you say where the hell were you for juvenile diabetes and luekemia.... so they should either shut up or ptoest every single thing on the planet I guess.

    This is the issue they are standing up for and it is not America Sucks because I never heard those words come out of anyone's mouth but the right who hates when the workers get uppity.

    Where is the GOP's protest against violent police behavior and China's abuse of human rights?
    #33     Nov 20, 2020
    Cuddles and wrbtrader like this.
  4. wrbtrader


    You took the words out of my mouth.

    Too many hypocrites and blind people at this forum that do not even see the words they're writing that show their hypocrisy.

    Further, the ones with an ax to grind are not even able to debate about their inability to see that more than just rich black guys (athletes) are protesting.

    They just only see rich black guys and then get mad (place you on ignore) when you show them a lot more other types of people are protesting.



    Leader of Canada...Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...kneeling in Protest



    I enjoy when I show the ET hypocrites the truth and they respond via publicly announcing they have now placed me on ignore. That means they heard the truth...its too unsettling to them.

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2020
    #34     Nov 20, 2020
  5. I am not a republican so don't have the knee-jerk across-the-board defense that you might be hoping for.

    In general though, one party recognizes China's quest for world dominance and exploitation and widespread abuses across the spectrum- from intellectual property to ugyar concentration camps, and south sea expansion and sale of fentynal, whatever, ad nauseum, and the other major party says "they are no competition for us and they are not bad folks, Folks." So in one instance, with Trump, you have had a standing up to China even if inconsistent and in the other instance with the other party, you have no standing up anywhere, or recognition, of the problem, and probably even on the take from the Chinese. That is enough information for many people to form an opinion about which approach is best for the country as they see it. Doesn't matter anyway. Scenario #2 is well underway now. Just as with immigration. Expect the masses to be showing up en masse by next week if not already.
    #35     Nov 20, 2020

  6. Yeah it is a fiction to say trump stood up to China.... nothing has changed on human rights and all those issues you suddenly care about....

    China just makes it easier for Trump to make more money selling his products with cheap labor and lower production costs. His tariffs were a tax on American consumers because that is how tariffs work (despite Trump's ignorance).

    You can list the failures of Democrats all day long on China but don't pretend GOP did anythign else.
    #36     Nov 20, 2020
    wrbtrader likes this.
  7. Well, you have your work cut out for you because the lefty script that you are required to follow requires you to defend Biden every step of the way- especially in regard to China where he has an abysmal record.

    Only makes sense that you would be getting some early practice in. You are going to need it.

    Might be time to take that John Kerry bumper sticker off your care begin leaning into the task ahead.
    #37     Nov 20, 2020

  8. Notice I did not defend Biden at all in my comments but you defended Trump.....

    read my posts please before answering. Dont be so blind to the hype.
    #38     Nov 20, 2020
  9. Okay, you are probably right about everything, but I am going to put you on ignore until after the end of the year when I revaluate my list every so many months.

    I do not do the repetitive exchanges with little content all that well.

    Be well.
    #39     Nov 20, 2020
  10. Are you saying you put me on ignore when I call you out? I don't expect people to run and hide during an open discussion.
    #40     Nov 20, 2020