News source with RSS feed?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by cashonly, Oct 24, 2003.

  1. mcelitetrader

    mcelitetrader ET Sponsor

    I started using feedreader. It has a one minute refresh potential. I pulled it off

    I went to yahoo finance and entered all the stocks i trade with commas and then hit the rss button down the page.

    eg.. wmt, mrk, pfe, s, x, abc, def, ghi, .......

    There is a slight lag as the stories become available but it seems decent so far. I also have setups for AP, Bloomberg.

    There are some pay services but im finding that the feed is coming just as quickly using the free rss feed. Still figuring this out....Anyone else
    #11     Nov 15, 2006
  2. just21
