Newbie Question: Why is trading ES so popular?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Tcl, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Visaria


    A looong time ago, before the internet, i shorted the DAX over the phone with my broker:

    Quite funny now:

    vis: sell x March DAX at 4000
    Broker: You sold x March Dax at 4000
    vis: place stop loss at 4100
    Broker : Stop loss placed at 4100
    vis: good
    broker: you are filled at 4100
    vis: huh?
    broker : interest rate decision just came out, they lowered by 25 basis points.
    vis: oh, ok, cheers, bye for now
    broker: bye /sniggers off
    #21     Nov 18, 2012
  2. wrbtrader


    Easy answer for us retail traders.

    Backtest your trade strategy on all available trading instrument data you have access. Next, let your backtest results determine which trading instrument is most suitable for you.

    Yet, some traders select trading instruments based upon how well it fits in their personal lifestyle. For example, your trade method may be more profitable on something that's in a different time zone when you're normally asleep. Thus, some traders choose to trade something else that is LESS profitable or not profitable at all because they're unwilling to change their "personal lifestyle" to trade something that's more profitable.

    With that said, in my experience, most retail traders only backtest or apply their trade strategy on 1 - 2 trading instruments and do not know if they would be more profitable on something else...

    A titanic mistake.
    #22     Nov 19, 2012
  3. I mean 1% move in one second

    Yes, an intraday gap of 1% in one second

    Not a terrorist attack, not an interest rate decision, a simple market news near or just after the market close for the cash index
    #23     Nov 19, 2012
  4. The value of one contract is 50 times the value of the S&P 500 stock index, meaning 50 x (say) 1350 = $67500. Is it correct?
    #24     Nov 19, 2012
  5. emg


    sniggers off? That is funny
    #25     Nov 19, 2012
  6. gmst


    Thanks for writing this post. This has been on my todo list to apply my strategies to multiple instruments, but I have been lazy. Now, I will get onto it asap.
    #26     Nov 19, 2012
  7. HSbF6


    Because everyone has an opinion on where the stockmarket is going.
    #27     Nov 19, 2012
  8. wrbtrader


    To be clear, I'm recommending to "backtest" (test) your trade method on different trading instruments so that you can then determine which trading instrument will be more profitable for you to trade in comparison to other trade instruments.

    In fact, markets are forever changing. Therefore, one year you may be primarily trading one trading instrument and the next year you'll be trading something different. Heck, this can occur (changing trading instruments) every few months if you consistently backtest your method to several times each year.
    #28     Nov 24, 2012
  9. gmst


    Sent you an email because didn't want to clutter the thread with tangential questions.
    #29     Nov 24, 2012
  10. whale


    Anyone claiming to make $1K/day on average on the ES with one contract really needs to put up rock-solid proof because that's so far beyond the norm that it's like claiming you can run 100 meters in 8 seconds.
    #30     Nov 27, 2012