New trading system

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by bdelsol722, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. hey everyone,

    has anyone heard of the following system: "Futures trading system: Oil & Energy "?

    I found it on and it looks quite interesting with seasonal strategies for nat gas, crude, gasoil, gasoline futures, including crack and product spread.

    the price is not so high but do you think it's worth it???

    dont want to spend my money on some fake systems....

  2. 1) Somebody else's system may not suit you very well.
    2) You can learn about seasonal tendancies in energy markets by slogging through Google. :cool:
  3. RedSun


    Sounds like statistical arb system. But history may not be the same....
  4. A 1-post wonder asking about a system for sale?
    Sounds like a shill to me.
  5. It covers gasoil too!