New Trading Computer

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ElectricSavant, Jul 26, 2003.

  1. Now about the Ram ........I have heard that RD RAM using a dual channel Rimm 4200 pc 1066 memory?

    what about it.....? anybody?

    Michael B.
    #51     Jul 27, 2003
  2. Is Rambus RD RAM good?

    Michael B.
    #52     Jul 27, 2003
  3. Mike looks like it gonna take you 'bout three years to get it all sorted out. good luck. :D
    #53     Jul 27, 2003
  4. Antec case 430w
    round cables
    SCSI 15000 rpm drive

    We need RAM, Motherboard, Video Card, Fans, some sort of optical reader (CD-RW) and XP pro.

    Perhaps we need writeable DVD capabilities to mirror the charting program with the software named, "backup my PC".

    Michael B.
    #54     Jul 27, 2003
  5. well, if you insist on going all the way might as well spring for DUAL Processors. why not?
    #55     Jul 27, 2003
  6. This software was $29.95 after rebate at Costco.

    How much $ is the full version of XP PRO?

    Michael B.
    #56     Jul 27, 2003
  7. Is it hard to install Xp Pro into a completely blank new system?

    What does one do? Put the CD in and press the power button?

    Michael B.
    #57     Jul 27, 2003
  8. are you talking to yourself mike? :eek:
    #58     Jul 27, 2003
  9. I guess if we decide on a SCSI drive we need to purchase round cables for that too.

    About those Fans...3 of them must be case fans and the other 2 must be on the inside for the power supply and the video card or mother board.

    Anyone know?

    Michael B.
    #59     Jul 27, 2003
  10. Are there fans at the base of the CPU and Power supply that are separate from the chassis fans?

    Michael B.
    #60     Jul 27, 2003