New Trading Computer

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ElectricSavant, Jul 26, 2003.

  1. love getting new computers,

    especially with all those blue lights, and all those Ghz's


    utt ohhh, forgot,,

    I'm in it to win through trading not trading computers
    #101     Aug 1, 2003
  2. We aren't here to trade computers.

    But it does help to have a real nice running rig and that usually takes a learning curve and some start-up time.
    #102     Aug 1, 2003
  3. Moderator...Please remove this whole classification of Hardware from Elite Trader.

    Many members here do not appreciate your decision to include hardware discussions on this site.

    I happen to have hobbies outside of trading, and it may seem that my enthusiasm for hardware is mis-understood.

    I am a licesed professional trader who makes a living from trading. But my hobby with living room computer building, even though related to trading was mistakenly mis-posted at Elite Trader.

    If you find it necessary you may close this thread with my apologies to the community.

    I choose to no longer share my experiences and discoveries in this thread. Many have shared and this is not pointed at you.

    Thank you again with my sincere apologies, back to trading and posting trading thoughts only in here.


    Michael B.

    P.S. Feel free to PM me if you want me to share any wisdom and discoveries that I learn while building my computer.
    #103     Aug 1, 2003
  4. this is so funny you think this big deal. ever get it all working boy genius? i bet you didnt HA! :D
    #104     Sep 14, 2003
  5. i put one together in 20 minutes once. hehe. :p
    #105     Sep 14, 2003