New trader

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Bigbadadam04, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. I guess I am being a little "hopeful" I wouldn't say unrealistic cause just like you said, it can be done. What brokerage account do you use? Have you heard of a new account called sogoinvest, 1 to 3 dolllars a trade with no minimums or account fees, software fee's etc, I want to start with them because of their simplistic platform and direct ECN or whatever you call it :D
    When I asked about executiion speed the customer service person said 1 second for orders under 2000 shares. you can set stops but not trailing stops and other free insurance policys. Plus I already find myself depending on their free charts page. I plan on starting in about 1 or 2 months. want to do some more researching and tweaking of my strategy just to make sure that when I start I don't transform into a crazed scalper chasing unrealized LOSSES. Thanks everone for their posts. please keep posting
    #11     Aug 11, 2006
  2. Cheese


    Yes, I mistook you for a clone.
    No, you are real. You 've proved you're real.
    You are ready.
    All systems are GO .. whoops, sorry almost forgot you are not a clone.
    And hell as as you say 6 months fantasy .. sorry, 6 months papertrading .. is enough. You are right.
    And no piddly stuff at 100 shares, right again .. get in there, go 1000 or better still 100,000. Think big.
    You have real money to use, right again and the market is ready to take real profits from you.
    So get in there. Go.
    #12     Aug 11, 2006
  3. bond007


    you sound just like every other teen on ET, a know it all who wont make a penny in real life. now maybe if you tried to sound a little more humble and made your goals morea realistic then perhaps youll have better luck trading too.
    #13     Aug 11, 2006
  4. Cheese be nice, i don't understand why your upset, first a clone now a real human. You should be happy, what did you have a flare up?? Altripla has just been approved, you should be feeling better soon. :D
    #14     Aug 11, 2006
  5. Bond i've never traded and already started my unknowing, next time you see my thread don't post unless you made some money today your a pussy sore who prolly lost his whole account today and backlashing on ET. BOO HOO.
    Don't Hate, Aprreciate.
    Then Communicate,
    what is wrong with you people so mean and hurtful and you dont even know me. Grow up and get a girlfriend!
    #15     Aug 11, 2006
  6. bond007


    you sound like someone who will make it real big! And perhaps i should let you trade whatever is left in my account after todays disaster :( maybe you can make back all the money I lost today
    #16     Aug 11, 2006
  7. No Prob Bond, i'll make back whatever amount you want as long as you promise to let me buy that blowup doll you've been wanting since Easter, whats his name....umm BlackBack Bobby???:confused:
    #17     Aug 11, 2006
  8. Cheese


    I am being nice.
    I'm encouraging you.
    Get in there and go for it!
    #18     Aug 11, 2006
  9. Thanks, but you can save it, besides im lactose and tolerant.:p
    #19     Aug 11, 2006
  10. You guys, i'm 20 with 3 smaller brothers, I can go ALL DAY AND NOT BREAK A SWEAT. So for all you 35-45 year old wannabe's (BOND007 and Cheese) BRING IT ON! :D
    #20     Aug 11, 2006