as far as I know there is no datafee/charting that has integrated with IB the one I use is RealTick (I've found it reliable and good for my needs) You have to check out what is there and see how it fits to your needs. For example, if you swing trade and only need eod then you wouldn't need to go with RT.
Best advice I can give is trading one stock a time. If u know well how the stock will possibly move today. You can do better to find your entry level and exit level (position trading). Pick a moving stock (example: AMGN or BGEN). There are pther trading styles. Choosing which one really depends on individuals' preferrence. Also trading with the Market. Market! Market! Market!
"The new SEC law, is going to make it tougher for novices like me...(can't short sell, no margin unless you got >$25K) " Joy you can still get a margin account under $ just gotta stay within the 3 in 5 under 25k rules, same as your cash accnt.
{"The new SEC law, is going to make it tougher for novices like me...(can't short sell, no margin unless you got >$25K) " Joy you can still get a margin account under $ just gotta stay within the 3 in 5 under 25k rules, same as your cash accnt.} 25K is for daytrading account requirement not margin account requireemnt.