New Supplement Increases Endurance Performance Dramatically

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    In China traditional healers use Danggui Buxue Tang, a mixture of Angelica sinensis and Astragalus membranaceus. In vitro studies already suggested that Danggui Buxue Tang is interesting for athletes - and now Taiwanese researchers show that the preparation allows recreational runners to perform spectacularly better.

    The researchers, who were affiliated with Kaohsiung Medical University, divided 36 recreational runners into 2 groups. Both groups were equally fit. One group received a placebo every day for 11 days, the other Danggui Buxue Tang.

    Danggui Buxue Tang is an age-old Chinese herbal mixture, which according to in vitro studies increases the production of EPO. It contains an extract of Astragalus membranaceus roots and Angelica sinensis roots.


    The subjects in the experimental group took 7.5 grams of Danggui Buxue Tang daily. That was only 5 grams of extract, the rest was filler. The 5 gram extract was 83 percent from Astragalus membranaceus, and the other 17 percent from Angelica sinensis.

    When the 13 days were over, the researchers let the test subjects run a distance of 13 kilometers. The experimental group [DBT] ran this distance by as much as 14 percent faster than the placebo group [Control]. The average time difference between the groups was 12.3 minutes.


    The researchers suspect that Danggui Buxue Tang allows the body to handle iron more efficiently. As a result, red blood cells could potentially carry more oxygen.

    "Short-term Danggui Buxue Tang supplementation shortened the 13-km running time", summarize the researchers. "Our results suggest that Danggui Buxue Tang could be a promising ergogenic aid for athletic performance."

    Nutrients. 2018 Sep 18;10(9).
  2. speedo


    "Both groups were equally fit"....hard to tell what that means in terms of controlled variable or respective running speed but worth a look.
  3. New Supplement Increases Endurance Performance Dramatically:


  4. TommyR


    uk amatuer cyclist and anti-doping campagner found dead in garage after turbo session with car exhaust in mouth. the efficacity of carbon monoxide training is not in dispute. democrats applaud, their fight is a righteous one. the new alkylated anabolics are probably not great for children, agreed, but not sure chinese herbs are the answer. it's a difficult one. for the pros i'd prefer legislation like the old epo one where it was more about safety because i think some of the stuff they do round competitions at the moment is seriously dangerous. don't think instagram fitness instructors should promote steroids. the rules on prohormones in shops are stupid like you are allowed GABA but not any stimulant. crazy shit. probably one to leave alone. lance armstrong would be a better man had he only lied occasionally when asked about doping in the tour.
  5. WTF did I just read?