New Short Rules

Discussion in 'Trading' started by cstfx, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. T+1, preborrow, all stocks, automatic buy in.

    That's our position, and no give. Because they game everything. Without that hard borrow and auto buy in, all that will happen is the bear raids will be of short duration. They'll cover back stock they never borrowed by the end of the day, destroying price momentum of stocks. If you allow the buy in system to be run by the brokers they won't buy in , because the other side will buy their fails in. And fails at this writing are in the billions.

    And yes. It is about to go for all stocks. It will be the biggest bull market of all time. Of course , a lot of these short funds are actually naked short that call CNBC and get special treatment funds will disappear. They'll find themselves non grata. This ride is about over.

    Someone! Pass me a hanky. I feel so......., so fragile.

    Look. Use your heads. I have very limited information, but some people have more, some a lot more, and some all. Paulson went to Cox, poked his fat little index finger in his Cox' lapel and said, "we're going to lose these financials, and it 's your fault. Do something. " So, Cox, operating in a real time world, when we operate in, 'well, maybe someday, Mr. CEO, we'll tell you how many fails are in your stock, but this isn't that day' says, 'We can't cover up for you boys any longer, It's my Ass. " Of course, someone as sophisticated as Cox has a derierre. We have asses. But you get the drift. And now, you see the Fed after the SEC's 'power'.

    The politicians now realize that Wall St. has gamed them, giving them a few schekles and leaving them holding this bag. It took years, but we won. Of course, the financial district looks like Koln, circa 1945, Paterson says NY will lose 720mm in tax revenue this year, I think that's lowballing, but we won.

    I'll make one more predicition. Honest guys, who have a brain, and don't ask me how many of the 72,000 members here qualify, will find they will make money. Stocks will have patterns reminisent of "Edwards and Magee". You won't see them like Overstock a week ago Friday having no uptick in six hours, only to come back the next week, and hitting the SHO list at T+4. You won't see a company come to Wall St. for a secondary, the real purpose of the Exchanges, only to be destroyed by hedgefunds who prey on companies in need of capital. You might actually make it. But it will be up to you and your skill. Not the whims of some wet nosed punk who shows up on CNBC.
    #21     Jul 26, 2008
  2. Just buy puts and save the daytrading for some other loser.

    There's much better ways to make money in this market.
    #22     Jul 26, 2008