New member - Help with my system please!

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Jinkers, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. Turok


    Why would you go back to "square one" if you haven't backtested the one you propose?


    #31     Apr 6, 2004
  2. SumJurk


    I'm assuming you made this post to differentiate from System and Method...and I agree 100%. The odds of getting a mechanical system that actually works is very low.

    But, I believe the traditional methods can make money, in the hands of a skilled trader. Sorry, if I didn't make that distinction clear.

    And if that's what mg_mg meant, that no "mechanical systems" work, then he's right, too.

    I'm sure that there may be a "System" out there that does make money, but the odds of you getting your hands on it and it being a system that suits your personality would probably be like winning the lottery...fat chance.
    #32     Apr 6, 2004
  3. funky


    he meant he'll post another idea for ET members to test tomorrow. :confused:
    #33     Apr 6, 2004