New Low for Politics: Pick a running mate under investigation?!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by iceman1, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Listen to these low character desperate hypocrites defend a moron like Bush and two-faced like McCain who turned out to be just as ambitious as the most corrupt politicians in Illinois putting himself and winning over doing a professional and ethcial job for his Country. Why are the conservative right-wing republicans unable to ever say mea culpa. A priest 'rapes' or fondles a young kid and they defend the guy. They NEVER can stand up like honorable men and say that something is wrong! Then I gotta sit here and listen to guys on ET who are so worried they MAY have to pay a few thousand more dollars if the democrats win regardless of whether that is best for the Country at this juncture, that they sell their soul and show no honor by defending their favorite rascal-moron Bush and defending Palin who clearly was not the correct choice for such difficult times!

    Sad the lack of real honor of most Republicans right-wing hypocrites, and frankly most members of the two major political parties.
    #31     Sep 3, 2008
  2. Bill Clinton has been under active investigation his whole career. Chicago politicians wear it as a badge of accomplishment. Jefferson Clinton, re-elected! Can you say Marion Berry? Detroit's mayor! Barak was under investigation (and quietly still is). Investigation does not guarantee guilt. The list of corrupt goes on and on, on both sides of the fence. Politicians under investigation for crime as a deterance for running? LOL!! :)

    #32     Sep 3, 2008
  3. Yep no honor amongst right-wing conservatives who live life with the motto "do as i SAY not as I DO"!

    These are the clowns who purport to have family-values and know the bible inside-out. But when they KNOW that Palin is not what America needs in the white house in these dangerous times (we need someone, anyone who at least has some experience) they shamefully defend the McBush choice of her as a VP candidate by suggesting: "TWO WRONGS MAKE IT RIGHT", as the previous poster just did!

    NO honor
    NO pride
    NO shame

    can stop the republican hypocrites from getting THEIR way! They will lie cheat and steal to get THEIR way! AND do so with a bible in their hand and jesus on their dashboards!

    I am an independent who has had enough of these wolves in sheeps' clothing who could care less about America or its reputation in the world or millions of people living in it! I say its time to gve a newcomer a chance. But at least the Democratic newcomer went to HARVARD-fricking Law School!
    #33     Sep 4, 2008
  4. Lucrum


    "New Low for Politics: Pick a running mate under investigation?!"

    Really? What has Biden done now?

    #34     Sep 4, 2008
  5. You could not be further from the thuth. I'm an independent. And I have no trouble identifying crap in both parties. Both are saying ours are not quite that bad as the other sides. Barak is weak, PERIOD!!! Accept it. Live with it! It's the truth.

    Havard puts out students who don't quite get it too you know? Barak just happens to be one!! :)
    #35     Sep 4, 2008
  6. Newsflash: I am a REPUBLICAN.

    I'm just sick and tired of seeing the Republican Party pander to these religious freaks who feel that it is "God's Will" for us to be in Iraq and that it is "God's Will" to build a pipeline from Alaska to the lower-48.

    Is it also "God's Will" to be a supporter of the Alaskan Independent whose main political agenda is to support a vote to secede from the USA? I believe that her husband was a member of this political party for over 10 years. She attended and gave speeches at the annual meetings of the party, and has been an active supporter of the party. How American is it to be married to someone who is an active member of a political party that is trying to get one of our States to secede from the rest of our Country? How American is that?

    As for Palin and her 17-year old unwed pregnant daughter . . . see if you can follow me on this one. I'll try and make it as CLEAR as possible for you:

    Sarah Palin applauded her daughters "decision" to keep her baby. Yet Palin says that all abortions, including pregnancies from rape and incest, should be illegal. Palin is a major hypocrite in saying that her daughter made a decision but is in favor of taking that same decision away from all others.
    #36     Sep 4, 2008
  7. Landis - you da' man.

    Seriously. I agree with you.

    The fact that I agree with you doesn't make you the man.

    The fact that you express such rational, coherent and logical thoughts in such an efficient way does...

    I, too, have been accused of being a 'libbie,' 'hippie,' and all sorts of nasty names when I actually really am extremely fiscally conservative.

    All these people cheering McBush on apparently don't care that the modern GOP spends money faster than drunken sailors AND wants to keep cutting taxes...

    ...not a great long term strategy for our nation.
    #37     Sep 4, 2008
  8. Let me explain something that you and the remaining country club republicans need to understand. You cannot win elections without the evangelicals and the economic conservatives. The evangelicals are no threat to you. All they get out of supporting republicans is lip service anyway. Basically your choice is to try to accept them with some minimal amount of respect or lose every election.

    I'm not sure that Palin said she is for all abortions being illegal. Maybe she said she is against them under all circumstances, which is intellectually honest if a bit tough to apply. Repealing Roe v. Wade will return regulation of abortion to the states, where it belongs. I cannot see what is so terrible about that, this being a democracy after all.
    #38     Sep 4, 2008
  9. YOU my friend hae no idea what he word "democracy" means judging by your carte blanche replies and never conceding a single point on any issue.

    Bu I can say you are the quintesssential non-democratic, anti-democracy monarchy-supporting republican that we do NOT need in this country at this time!
    #39     Sep 4, 2008
  10. Mommie mommie I didn't fire that man because he left my sister. No he was "abusing her" ! Famous last words ! It's ALWAYS the man's fault isn't it. The big bad special prosecutor is out to get me just like Detroit's mayor and Abramoff.

    Neither of them were guilty either! Right?

    #40     Sep 4, 2008