New Laptop AMD or Intel ?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by condorll, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. Hello,

    I am looking around for a new laptop (I travel alot)
    Intel Centrino Pentium 1.6 or 1.73 or AMD Athlon 2.0 ghz (or Turion?) ?

    I have been using Intel chips for about 20 years, never bought a puter with an AMD chip so I am hesitant to jump the fence.

    Performance and portability are priority, not battery life although need at least 2 hours on batts. Need wireless built in.

    I multitask ALOT. Programs that are ALWAYS open are


    The specs on the HP AMD laptop look better, plus it has a video card and is a couple hundred bucks cheaper.

    Any rec's?



    HP AMD
  2. Got a Futjitsu with Centrino (1.7GHz) recently. Would buy it again. Runs well on Linux and XP.
  3. Htrader

    Htrader Guest

    When it comes to laptops, I think the manufacturer is just as important as the cpu, so I'd recommend a dell. You can get the same machine at dell for less than $1000 using the right coupons. Check out the inspiron 9300.
  4. Thanks but a 17" laptop is a little big, I travel ALOT.
    I am looking in the 14 or 15" Widescreen range. $950-$1200.
    My question was more directed at which manufacturer of chip AMD or Intel.

    The AMD is 64 bit right? isn't that an advantage over Intel?
  5. gnome


    I you can hold off a while, there will soon be a dual core Yonah for Pentium M... said to offer superior multi-tasking.
  6. JR97


    I'm a long time Dell user. I think it's worth forking out the extra for a latitude vs inspiron. I've had both and I found the inspiron to be less sturdy. And I'm not talking a little bit.. I'm talking night and day difference. Especially for travel.
  7. Yes and No.
    These will go for stiff prices.
    Centrinos seem to be in a buyers market right now. Very good deals with many brands.

    I agree with Condorll's opinion about 17" models. For me, they don't handle like real LAPTOPS anymore.