New feature at the top of the board

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ogarbitrage, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Not a huge fan, very intrusive. Option to turn it off?
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  2. BSAM


    I think I'm kinda likin' this new feature.

    However, "Threads With Recent Posts" should be the 1st tab on the left (the default).
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    There will be an option to turn it off, but this is the point where I basically force you to use it for a while before you get that option. So basically what I'm saying is that I have turned off the option that let's you have the option to turn it off. :D

    I struggled with which one to put first for quite a while. The reason why I chose "Newest Threads" is because I remember on the Old ET homepage that "Discussion Threads with Recent Posts" would look roughly the same much of the time because a few busy threads would ALWAYS have a recent post in it, which would make brand new threads fall off the list within minutes.
  4. BSAM


    Fair enough, but I'm thinking that the threads that are the "busy" threads are what the ET viewers are obviously most interested in.
    Cream rises to the top.
    If a new thread merits becoming a popular thread, it will become one of the busy threads.
    Just my view.
    Appreciate your feedback!
  5. I like this new site feature layout -- because that's basically what I come here for daily...just to check up on new, i don't have to manually check each category.

    I actually find all the 3 tabs/topics very helpful -- saves alot of's like you read my mind.
    Baron likes this.