New Black Panthers Threaten to Kill Crackers – Promise SHOWDOWN at RNC

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JamesL, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. These are threats of terrorism.

    Where is dept of homeland security, or do they only set people up under controlled conditions?
    #31     Jun 26, 2012
  2. isn't it an incorrect comparison to compare the nbpp to the current kkk? the current kkk doesn't kill anyone and they get permits for their marches, etc, and operate legally. why compare current nbpp statements and threats to operations of the kkk that have ceased? correct me if i'm wrong about the kkk, i live in new york. if they have any kind of demonstrations here, they are not allowed to wear their hoods, so i'm guessing everything is alright with the way they operate?
    #32     Jun 26, 2012
  3. And why weren't they? That is the real problem, and its why everyone is getting pissy. What you guys equate to racism is really just (white) people getting fed up with this nonsense. We had guys like Spike Lee texting addresses to try and get these assholes to do something, we had a bounty go unpunished, we had video footage of the idiots standing outside of a polling station with batons, now tweeting more kill whitey bullshit. It doesn't matter if the NBP are clowns or not, they are looking for excuses to do something and getting bolder because no one does shit when they break the law. Worst of all, our president and his butt boy AG decided to get involved when they had no idea what the fuck was going on and appoint a 'special prosecutor' to this case even though there is almost no chance of a conviction on the charges they went with. Does this all seem to be escalating racial tensions to you?

    I have no problem writing them off as a joke and I'll have no sympathy when they get what they're asking for. the point is maybe if the 'black leadership' weren't racist extortionists like Jesse and Al, and maybe if BO wasn't such a little bitch himself, they could diffuse the situation by telling the amped up blacks what they don't want to hear - Zimmerman is innocent until proven guilty - that's how this country works.
    #33     Jun 26, 2012
  4. Yannis


    Of course a lot of this is just baiting: at some point, some semi-well-known white person responds in kind and then the liberal media pounce, cur short and edit, present it totally out of context, and make it a big story across the first page and 8pm news for a day or two. Then, if they are caught, they sort of apologize on page 79 at the bottom left, or issue a dubious statement at 3 in the morning... :(
    #34     Jun 26, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    They're busy frisking children and grandparents in our airports and ushering illegals across the border.
    #35     Jun 26, 2012
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Ah, today's Ricter Riddle. Got it.
    #36     Jun 26, 2012
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    So what do you call the Black Panther's threats?
    #37     Jun 26, 2012
  8. Ricter


    You're easy to puzzle.
    #38     Jun 26, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    Horse Shit
    #39     Jun 26, 2012
  10. We're talking about what was newsworthy and you wrote they weren't newsworthy. My point is it doesn't matter how small or disrespected the group. When people publicly start talking about killing people based solely on race, that's newsworthy.
    #40     Jun 26, 2012