New at this-Help

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by RONALD HEAD, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. So they say diversify, I have this 401K, get canned from my job. Decide to let my portfolio ride until I decide to go to a financial advisor. Have enough liquidity to last 3-4 months before I need to get into this. What is it: 100%VWIGX, been making 25% a year as all Int Growth Funds have. I decide to retire early (maybe I have to), take my paltry few hundred thousand to a Financial Advisor, he wants to diversify. But why, when I can pull the trigger when all the fundamentals seem to indicate this kind of international growth(never happen soon) will keep on truckin. I will be using this money(56years old) for some time as I have some issues getting a job.

    Yep, I can hear it now, why pay somebody commission when you can ride this Int. Growth thing to the end. And of course I don't have enough to retire, but I do live "cheap" It will be rolled over and of course used when needed.

    Help-Ron(thanks for putting up with a simple question)
  2. Buy some bonds meanwhile you learn to trade by yourself.

    Don't overrate financial advisors, many give poor results. Besides they usually stay "always-on" in the market, like mutual funds, so in corrections or bear markets, even the best financial advisors lose money.

    Do some paper trades for at least 6 months before betting your real money. I recommend swing trading, gives nice results with relatively low risk; yet leaves enough time for other things, even a full time job.
  3. piezoe


    If you have time to study the markets and keep abreast of the economy that's one thing. In that case, you will do better with your money than a typical financial adviser will.

    Most F.Advisers are going to more or less assure that you are going to get an average return, same as the stock market in general. That's what diversification or index funds do over time, they virtually guarantee an average return a few points above inflation.

    With VWIGX you were already diversified at low cost, and much more so than had you just had your money in US companies. The fact that you chose this particular fund indicates that you are no dummy. I am basically a trader, though i also manage my own long term investment accounts. My advice from 45 years of fooling with markets is to either commit to spending the time and money it takes to become well versed in various investment vehicles such as mutual funds, equities, bonds, options, real estate, etc., in which case you can, and should, do better than the market's average, or stick with what you have been doing.

    Spend enough time, in any case, to learn about the common pitfalls and how to avoid them-- such as taking investment advice from insurance salesmen, retail brokers, bankers, many financial advisers (not all by any means!), and the talking heads on TV. Dealing with these folks is virtually going to guarantee an average or worse return before costs, which will be very high (they have to eat).

    Study on your own to the extent you have time, and make your own decisions. You will do better in the long run, and you have certainly done fine so far.