Never judge a man because of his name...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by SNBthetrue, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. Last message, last idea^^

    For the last message I write with the Alias SNBthetrue... I have a question, what would you write if you knew which was your last post ? Hardcore ^^ ö :D

    I could speak about all the nice people I have read and answer, all that have shook (shocked) my mind trough pure intelligence and knowledge ... and too trough stupidity and arrogance... ( Or I could speak about the shadows; look at Pakistan = Nuke = 3M children at risks because of water... )

    However I prefer firstly to thank all the individuals (and beings^^) that I had pleasure to be with in this forum :).

    Ohhh I am not leaving^^ I will be back :)

    Asta la vista, traders :D

    And finally some WORDS :



    BUT, as I am...

    I would like secondly to write a [warning], how wrong allocation of ressources can lead to the tomato...

    So the DEAL... or how to take in hostage one of the stupidest country in the world... it's already on its knee...


    2 pictures to illustrate the case :


    So it's the little country on the top left that looks like a river... ^^


    My first question was : where are the Nukes ( test site ) and storage ? underwater ? For the test sites no... it's in Balochistan oufff...

    But here comes the idea... but before a few words of a smart guy...

    So this Ay. Khan knew it... Ayub was right Ahamd was wrong.

    But as always :

    But they wanted to be bigger... stronger... boost boost boost...
    look here are the quotes :
    the first quote is pathetic the second purely Prophetic... !!!

    / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \

    But now come my ass part :D ( it's really the most asshole tricks I have imagined... )... it concerned using of economic "chantage" (blackmail is a word too weak)... or has told by some : Never waste a crisis !!
    If Pakistan wants the help of the world it has to give his weapons of mass destruction... = or weapon for food ( or money help... or get the full western rebuilding package ( at least these weapons could be usefull^^ )

    I know it's quite "powerfull" or mega aggressive to take in hostage such a devasted population... but I can nearly bet that these guys are so stupid that they prefer to perish from the shadows that to be helped... too arrogant.

    So will Mr the President of the USA take this opportunity to achieve a world without Nukes ? Happily I don't have to make such a choice :D

    Ohhh which number country was Pakistan in the list of nuclear states ? As my last message is 799 ... it will not go to 8 countries. ohh be certain that this number will go to zero over the course of time... None can fight the shadows... why because only love removed it... but as soon as love leaves the heart of men, the shadows will start to grow... happily love shared is spread... as pain shared is divided... only trough love can pain be shared.

    So finally !

    ( time to create a new "account" hehehe )...

    + ....
    - ...
    ( if you remeber ^^ )

  2. LEAPup


    Alrighty then:confused:
  3. mental illness?
  4. Then... I have to apologize to the poor people of Pakistan that never wanted a bomb ( they are farmer of the middle age^^ ) , and break my last post^^...

    I am sorry to have thought this idea...

    Futhermore I have read that the "elites" of the town along the rivers have always destroyed the protection to immerge poor villages and save their own farms...

    So I clearly hope that the people of Pakistan will one day live in a judicial system that suit them... not only fair for the richest but in a pursuit of happyness of all.


    No... WORST :D (thx for the help^^)