Nepolatano Won't Answer To Congress On 1.6 Billion Ammo Purchase

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. achilles28


    Yup. Total partisan hack. Rendition, torture, war, warrantless spying, indefinite detention. All horrible when Bush did it.

    When Obama does it? Suddenly, it's all "necessary".

    Listen, that's the fucking problem. Most of the righties on this thread outraged by Obamas shit will turn around and be totally fine when the Constitution gets shredded under a Republican. So long as it's their guy in power, it's all gravy. That's why the Country has gone to shit over the past 40 years. Nobody cares about principle. They just care about politics.
    #41     Mar 22, 2013
  2. Lucrum


    That and useful idiot. And he's proud of it. Yet another indisputable indication of the failure of our public education system.
    #42     Mar 22, 2013
  3. pspr


    AK? Of course he is on the Obama action team. He probably gets $1 a post and makes enough posts in a day to cover his lunch money at school and enough left over to buy a little crack.
    #43     Mar 22, 2013
  4. Lucrum


    Is it just me or do people in this administration have a habit of refusing to answer questions posed by congress?

    What happened to the promised "transparency".
    #44     Mar 22, 2013
  5. pspr


    They answer questions. It's just that they don't give the answer to the question they were asked! They answer some other easier question when they hear those. It's like:

    SENATOR: What is the purpose of the 1.6 billion round ammo purchase?

    NEPALITANO: Senator, we are securing the border from Texas to California and we have maintained the number of personnel on the border and captured x number of aliens crossing into the U.S. We have also captured a few alien felons in major cities where we put them in holding tanks for a while until we can quietly release them. Next question.


    On transparency, Obama says his administration is the most transparent in history. He is so thin and transparent that when he turns sideways you can hardly see him.
    #45     Mar 22, 2013