Neocons, it's over.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oddiduro, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. all the others were pretty bad also... except ron paul the only conservative.

    the republicans are criminals and unless you are frothing at the mouth to go kill some innocent babies you will be rejected by the republicans and diebold won't work their magic for you.
    #51     Mar 27, 2008
  2. Gord


    So you don't know what a neoconservative is. And now you don't know what a straw man is. Besides being a Kool Aid drinker and a bigot, you are also an idiot.
    #52     Mar 27, 2008
  3. You should all remember the law of the west.

    “When you ride with the outlaws, you hang with the outlaws”.

    It'll do you no good to proclaim your innocence now. You were seen riding with the bad guys.
    #53     Mar 27, 2008
  4. I'd like to hear you explain this. I'm not attacking you, I'd just like to know how FDR destroyed this country.
    #54     Mar 27, 2008
  5. It seems to be a truism among humans that the more that is given, the more is taken. The more that is taken, the more that is wanted. Eventually, a sense of entitlement sets in, and work ethic leaves. I have seen few people, white or black, that has not had their work ethic and sense of pride through accomplishment destroyed with prolonged exposure to the welfare state.

    FDR created the welfare state.
    #55     Mar 27, 2008
  6. Gord, ad hominem is the last refuge of an individual that is in over their heads. Go play somewhere else son, and the adults carry on a conversation, okay?
    #56     Mar 27, 2008
  7. Gord


    And putting words in opponents mouths and erecting straw men is the first refuge of liberals. You support a racist, America-hater, you make bigoted statements, you try to imply that I said dispicable things I never said, you display your ignorance in your very first post, and then you try to portray yourself as the "adult" in the discussion?!? Beyond being a Kool Aid drinker, a bigot and an idiot, you are obviously dillusional as well... [​IMG]
    #57     Mar 27, 2008
  8. The ConMen are mostly east coasters. They tend to be wealthy jews* so they are socially separate apart from wasps. **

    Here are the 2 best profiles I remember:

    I read Podhoretz for years - great right wing writer - goes right after the facts. One article I really liked was during the suitcase nuke hysteria after 9/11, he did a great piece that shred and incinerated the likelihood of that happening.

    The method of transmission of ConMan policy during the Bush years was via Cheney.

    *The exception is that little shtbag Richard Perle. He was an angry peasant when Reagan was president and he still is. Perle is the one that famously told Vanity Fair - Neocon Is Dead For A Generation. In the Reagan years, ConMen were big in the StarWars movement and putting the Pershings missiles in Germany. The idea of breaking the Soviets budget to end the Cold War was not a Conman idea though.

    ** Always wondered if any ConMan or anyone in their families has ever served in the military.
    #58     Mar 28, 2008
  9. When you say "get back to the premise that all men are created equal" this is blurry. Yes, all men should have equal opprortunity to prove themself...but some will work harder to be more productive. So waht happens then? Should the ones who are most productive and creative just accept an even cut of the wealth of their labor with someone who does not want or wish or cannot be as productive? The most procuctive will not be as productive anymore becasue they have no incentive.
    #59     Mar 28, 2008
  10. No, this is the fatal flaw in socialism. Being created equal as in equal opportunity is obviously not the same as equal manisfestation of potential.

    The trouble is that in our system, bright young talent is often hindered because the established heirarchy is intimidated with outside the box thinking, regardless of what their words say.
    #60     Apr 1, 2008