Need stock screener to find stocks in a narrow trading range for last 6 months

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by sync, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. sync


    Any suggestions on a screener that can find stocks in a narrow 6 month trading range?
  2. Amibroker
  3. wenzi


    Define "narrow"

  4. Bob111


    +1 for amibroker
    wealth -lab can do this too(if you can define):)
  5. sync


    One definition might be "highest high of the last 30 days / lowest low of the last 30 days <= 1.1".

    But I know that most screeners don't have that capability.

    I know that I can get $400+ programs that can easily do this. But I am looking to see if there is something less expensive that does screening only.
  6. Bob111


    less expensive way to get those programs would be P2P
  7. P2P is slow. I get the direct dls.
  8. twtrader


    I made one for Ninja Trader. You can use Ninja Trader for free.
  9. sync


    Can the free version get end of day stock data?
  10. twtrader


    I know it can get Yahoo! end of data for free for stocks. Other than that, I think you can get it from your broker connection, like IB.
    #10     Aug 23, 2008