Need somewhere to think out loud,

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Turveyd, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Turveyd


    Juat started trading wrong time as always.

    Spent the am shouting at a stupid kid who wants money all the damn time and other issues, too damn stressed to focus.

    Long 9843 a few mins ago, turn up short lived SL tight, guess I'm back on the make big or lose small hands.

    Tis getting there, no method change today.
    #2431     May 5, 2016
  2. Turveyd


    Out 1/2 position so +$25 whooppppp lol

    Likely range from here, lunch time, likely best not to bother :(
    #2432     May 5, 2016
  3. Turveyd


    Still mainly watching, that 6s range and direction is uncanny, mixed with the 12s direction.

    Looking good! :)
    #2433     May 5, 2016
  4. Turveyd


    This was working perfectly, sadly just watching up $50 too little trades, trust issues in the way, 6 direction entrys, 12 range plays, not getting the urge to counter flow trade, almost in the mindset of dont call a bottom, just join in.

    I'm nearly there, expect to get hit by a bus tomorrow, years of hard work wasted lol

    I really think i have found my own personal grail.

    If account >$50k end of year, then yes lol
    #2434     May 5, 2016
  5. Turveyd


    That's a good example of how useless reading candlestick patterns are, my PC with a demo FXCM feed and an FXCM feed on my ipad are looking very different, 20seconds off.

    SMA's HLC/3 based are off by 0.5pts to, nice!!

    Yes I'm easily distracted!!
    #2435     May 6, 2016
  6. Turveyd


    +60 took the low 12 long, bounced to high 12 exited, bored :)

    Up $70 on the week, yes I'm on FIRE LOL, 5 trades only 1 loser, but damn there small!!

    Don't like trading on Fridays, but we shall see!!
    #2436     May 6, 2016
  7. Turveyd


    I took the exit at the top of the range, calmly, didn't go THIS IS GOING TO RUN to the moon, hold and take a loss LOL

    Same as I should trade the range cause 95% of the time it'll hold, I should also exit as 95% of the time it'll hold.

    Tad Hesitant on taking entries today, but no real trading, expected :(

    Always another issue!!
    #2437     May 6, 2016
  8. Turveyd


    Loss $15 :), got to +$25 on that 1, both positions, spiked down, reversed so Exited to be safe, SL would of just hit for -$70 so all good :)

    I'm functioning today, as a trader, mainly nice and peaceful today, no kid related stress as yet :)
    #2438     May 6, 2016
  9. Handle123


    Really nice down move, today, how did you do there?
    If the risk is too much I will drop it down to 45 second timeframe, but seldom do that.

    #2439     May 6, 2016
  10. Turveyd


    Sadly, missed that being LAZY on the down move, looks like it would of rocked.

    Spoke to soon on no stress, Ex picking up Daughter, Daughter had a melt down, refused to go, ex took it personally, missed this entire huge move up, sending 100's of text messages LOL :( and Stressed out :(

    -50 trade, knocked out on the up spike before the first news drop 90mins ago.

    Get Kids from school :( then see if there is any motion left, which I doubt :(
    #2440     May 6, 2016