Need some guidance...

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by CHcommodities, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. How difficult will it be for me to get an entry level Nat Gas position in Houston? I graduate May 2020 from a state school in the Midwest. I am not a finance/econ major, so I assume all of the "analyst" positions will be out. Eventually I want to trade NG so I am wondering what I need to do in order to obtain a position like this.

    Some more background:
    I have little experience. I have one internship at a major NG pipeline in the Midwest and I job shadowed at a satellite office for a supermajor. There are no energy companies around my undergrad so another internship is out of the question. Any advice would be great!

  2. dozu888


    whats your major? might as well poke around with resumes..... full employment right now.... great time to enter the job market!
  3. kmiklas


    Definitely: network in.

    Hiking, biking, horseback riding, golf, chess... make some friends and put the word out that you’re looking.

    Remember employees get referral fees of about $5k. Also, the employer doesn’t have to pay an agency fee, which can be up to 1/2 a year’s salary.
  4. I am majoring in marketing and minoring in Agribusiness (Commodity Trading)
  5. drm7


    Cargill or ADM might have energy trading operations - both are in the midwest. Also, look at the local utilities. Most of them have natgas generators and so need to manage their supply.
  6. My big thing is I want to get out of the Midwest. I prefer to live in Houston or New York. I know Chicago and Denver are great for energy but I might go crazy if I live in the MW any longer lol.
  7. ETJ


    Massive energy desk is here in Chicago - BP. Took part of the old CME floor.
  8. Do I have to go through the graduate program in order to be placed in an entry level position such as scheduling? I am shadowing at their office in Omaha. Not sure if that would be beneficial to me or not.
  9. dozu888


    ok - I'd say just enter the job market to do whatever... career choices can be fuzzy when you first enter, then clarity will come while you work, then you can jump to whatever is more desirable.... probably with higher pay as well :)
  10. ETJ


    22,000 square feet. BP_Trading_Floor.png
    #10     Jul 16, 2019