Need Serious Advice: Equity Research or Accounting

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by baller1069, May 12, 2009.

  1. I live in Canada and am in 3rd year university in a business program. I have done two co-op terms at a big four accounting firm. I have an opportunity to work at a buy-side high net worth investment firm called Gluskin Sheff. If I stay with the accounting firm I will most likely get a full time offer. If I leave the firm, I probably won't be able to go back to the accounting firm. If I go to Gluskin Sheff I will not get hired there fulltime and will have to apply to other jobs. I could most likely get an i-banking job seeing as they are still hiring but I personally couldn't work in such an environment. Gluskin Sheff is an extremely prestigious firm in Canada and well known on the street. With the experience there I might be able to get a fulltime job at another buy-side firm, but not many are hiring these days.

    Any Advice?
  2. Prop trading. Far less hours, potential for far higher pay. Big learning curve though, atleast a year to make minimal bank.
  3. Accounting. You are giving up most likely a full time position for what will most likely NOT be a full time position. And there are a TON of equity analysts out of work that have experience - what are you going to bring to the table against them when competing for a job? With accounting, though it may sound boring it will give you something everyone always needs in the log run. So do that as your day job - if you really like trading and ivnesting save your dough and do that while you are still working. When you make enough money at trading such that it surpasses your earnings from your job then you know what you should be doing. Just my two cents. I was in equity research for a while and have the CFA designation - I assure you there are tons of out of work analysts looking for something to do.