Need Input & Feedback

Discussion in 'Options' started by Mr_Icy_Penguin, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. Has anyone ever had a session on uvesty? and if so, how was it?
  2. K-Pia


    You better have to learn it on your own.
    Uvesty I don't know. For me it's Scam Scam Scam.
    What's your tools of analysis ? Your trading methods / plans ?
    Input is mainly Price. Feedback is mainly P&L. What are you trying to do ?
    On what information do you base your trades ? Any idea of what's your problem ?
    Often the biggest advances come from recognizing that we got it wrong.
    What do you think trading is ? How do you want to make money ?
    Step Back. See how it works. Find Opportunities. Be Robust.
    Best way to learn to trade is with Skin in the game.
    Then find problems, look for solutions & test.
    What's your problems ?