Probably a super silly question here, but Im looking for intra-day graphs of NYSE advancers and decliners, and I can't find them anywhere. My quote service is quicken quotes live. It has just about everything but this. On, they show that the indicator should be $ADVN, but when that is put in their system, it doesn't recognize it. Anybody know who has this info and the symbol for it? Symbols: ADVDEC ADVDEC.NY ADVDEC.AM ADVDEC.NQ ADVDEC.DJ So the one you wanted is ADVDEC.NY I just tried it in livecharts and it worked.
Thanks Dustin. I was looking specifically for only the advancers and/or only the decliners as opposed to the A-D value. This will be of help though. If anyone else know, please pass it along. Best, Mike
Oh sorry, didn't read the question right. I think this is what you're looking for: Number of Stocks Advancing: ADVN.NY ADVN.AM ADVN.NQ ADVN.DJ Number of Stocks Declining: DECL.NY DECL.AM DECL.NQ DECL.DJ