Need an Answer

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by LiL"C", May 5, 2004.

  1. Welcome to ET.

    We can chat anytime. Remember we all had to start somewhere. Not that you are novice. I am impressed with your small trades being able to cover the commish and net you a profit.

    Perhaps, this buyand thing will ruin your results, because you may over careful.

    Because the next time we talk, I don't want you yelling at me.

    Michael B.

    #31     May 6, 2004

  2. Yea, you get the troll bit sorted and you'll be on your way to making millions from your 200 bucks. Because the trolls are stupid and ugly. We don't know our arse from our elbows. None of us trolls have traded for years, certainly none of us have ever made any money and none of us are actually really rather good people either having a laugh or giving advice in a way which only someone as stupid as us would understand.

    Get picking these weeds boy.

    As for the rest of you serious posters on this thread, I just cannot believe that you are taking this seriously. Seriously, come on. This web site is 'elite trader'. Elite - the elite, or, as we say in top gun circles, the best of the best. Now you tell me, what the fuck has 200 bucks got to do with that?

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I guess I'll do both.

    Please refer to me as troll from thence forth. That's Mr Troll actually.
    #32     May 6, 2004
  3. Hey, the guy posted...I was bored watching the YM.

    Michael B.

    P.S. I think the more important point here was made by another poster, can't remember who. LIL stated he did not want to throw more money in his experiment. But he is not giving himself a chance to really judge the experiment with such a small amount of money. He is forgetting about the fixed costs and the drawdowns. I just suggested a way he can prolong it.

    #33     May 6, 2004
  4. Good point

    YM at this time of day???

    They call me 'Mr Troll'
    #34     May 6, 2004
  5. "YM in a can" is the journal.

    Would appreciate your comments.

    Michael B.

    #35     May 6, 2004
  6. Sorry

    confused with YM - ecbots dow future

    YM in a can ???
    #36     May 6, 2004
  7. Well, I did not know what to name the journal

    The equation is the can.

    Michael B.

    P.S. I am going to sleep soon, its near a bracket and hoping to set the new bracket and then go to bed.

    #37     May 6, 2004
  8. you can tell i don't do crosswords.....

    i see now

    have a good ecb/boe
    #38     May 6, 2004
  9. EtfTrader

    EtfTrader Guest

    $200? You got to be kidding.

    Ever think about taxes? Commissions?

    Your way undercapitalized. Get real.
    #39     May 6, 2004
  10. lakka


    >$200? You got to be kidding.

    With OANDA which trades in units rather than lots/contract/shares, this is possible as one get the same spread (commission) as everyone else. With units one can do proper position sizing with any amount.
    #40     May 6, 2004