Need a connection to your TradeStation system?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by StrategyRunner, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. StrategyRunner

    StrategyRunner Strategy Runner, Ltd.

    StrategyRunner is now offering a full connection to any TradeStation system, in both Futures and FOREX instruments.

    If interested, please download SAS from the below URL:

    In order to help you configure this application, please send an email to and include the phrase: 'SAS EliteForum' in the subject line.

    StrategyRunner Support team.
  2. I asked when TS2000i was going to be supported. Please indicate the timeframe for delivering for this release.
  3. StrategyRunner

    StrategyRunner Strategy Runner, Ltd.

    Connectivity to TradeStation 2000i is possible, though still in beta testing. If you would like to become a beta tester, please send an email to and we will provide you with a setup.
  4. I did that 3 days ago and still no response.