
Discussion in 'Economics' started by Spectre2007, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. with modern technology it will be soon possible to wipe out people with certain racial traits, even though the system does it in a mechanistic way currently.

    the chinese are worried that their racial traits are too select, and can be used as selective factors in viruses.

    even the SARs virus is presumed to be engineered.

    if you look at the current flu strains, this seasons flu has been the worst I've seen it. There is a persisting dormant period post infection, which leads to further spread.

    biotech/genetics can be much more devastating in the sense that populations will use it, to leave infrastructure still standing.

    take a look at what the incidence of HIV is in Africa. When money is not a concern anymore. People in power wish to shape the world and the future to their preference.

    when I was in college, a anonymous email was sent to me, to list the ways one could control the world. At the time, I was studying, Genetics/Biochemistry..So I extrapolated the current trends in the sciences to what could happen.

    high grade cocaine can be manufactured by splicing genes into yeast cells and cultivating them in vats. No crops in the jungles needed.
    #31     Feb 22, 2008
  2. Vegon


    Yes, Stalin was a twisted murderer
    He purged his own army and was responsible for the death of millions
    But there is a distinction to be made here

    The reason the holocaust is the biggest crime in human history is not just the number of jews, gypsies and POW killed. It’s the idea and execution of a well thought plan to exterminate people based only on racial differences.

    Stalin ( meaning steal in English) was just that- a man of steal - he was constantly worried about potential enemies within, and was ready to kill just about any one in order to protect his position. he used to say “ people create problems- no people no problems”

    the Nazis on the other hand managed to industrialize murder.
    They took all the dignity away from a man just before they killed him.
    Its one thing to die as an opponent, and another to die like a pest together with your wife and children knowing you are being exterminated.

    Its depressing to see how quickly racism raises its ugly head in here
    Instead of people learning from the holocaust 60 years ago and try to stop the holocausts that are happening today- they are too busy arguing about truly ridicules matters.

    The fact is – millions of people where exterminated in Africa in the last 10 years while many of you are still busy attempting to categorize the holocaust –

    Not much is being done to help them just like not much was being done to help the victims 60 years ago- as we all can see- history repeat it self, so probably in 50 years a bunch of fools are going to chat around this forum about how what happened to the Sudanese was not such a big crime after all.
    #33     Feb 22, 2008

  3. Communism is/was a jewish construction. The ideology is a command and control mechanism through which vast masses are able to be controlled from a small central base. The funding for the bolshevik "revolution" came from leading jews on Wall street and elsewhere.

    If the Nazis weren't around as a bulwark against communism we'd all be speaking russian and standing in line for a loaf of bread. In fact many of the anglo-saxons on wall street realized the communist threat and therefore financed and provided raw materials to support the nazi regime.

    I'm in no way condoning genocide and mass extermination. However the above is the correct historical reality. It is very well documented.

    Communism was a tool to try to control the masses using the jews as an elite control lever. The communist ideology has now morphed into the "neo-Conservative" movement. Same people, same ideology to control the masses, same agenda, different sets of rules, different name.

    The masses have found they actually enjoy a few of the good things they work hard to produce for the elites. So now the elites have to work under a different set of conditions to arrive at the same command and control mechanism. Only now, it's "controlled capitalism" under the "neo-conservative" name tag. Same result, different set of conditions. Under communism the masses knew very well who was in charge. under "controlled capitalism", the masses are happy to work just as hard, if not harder, as long as they get to taste some of the elite goodies.

    back to the holocaust. The holocaust is another tool being used to control the jewish diaspora. Without the holocaust, most jews would revert to being citizens of their native countries. Many of the leading activists against global inequity are jews. As an example, the only way to shut them up when it comes to the palestinian agenda is to bring up the holocaust. Everyone has a lever that will control the person, just find the correct one.

    The head knows where it is going. The holocaust is the "skin" keeping the body together, moving along to where the head goes. The body doesn't need to know the head exists or even what the true agenda is. The goal is to move it along and do what it is instructed to do. Many if not most, are ignorant. Some however will know what I'm referring to.

    "the Holocaust, which, when harnessed properly as a source of guilt, shame and victimhood, can serve as a remarkable tool for Jewish continuity"
    #34     Feb 24, 2008
  4. Vegon


    To say that communism is a Jewish invention is like saying the theory of relativity is a Jewish invention.
    What is your point?
    And even if we assume it was all “ a Jewish invention” still it came as a mean to reduce social difference,
    Stalin just used communism to control the masses, that’s just about where it ends.

    About the holocaust- yes you can use it in many ways to explain your dark age theories,
    It became just another tool in the hands of neo-Nazis and bigots.
    Btw Are you quoting Ahmadinejad ?

    you named “ most people “ as ignorant – comes to show what kind of a person you are,
    so every one who holds a different opinion is ignorant according to you?
    You don’t sound at all like a person who can see the truth and tell it, but rather the opposite- an ignorant.
    #35     Feb 25, 2008