Natural protection against covfe..., I mean the corona virus

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Pekelo, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. Pekelo


    Note: This is based on my own research so follow it at your own risk.

    I know you might be smiling thinking, this guy is going to stop the virus using garlic or something. No, I am not going to cure CV, but I would like to minimize my chances of getting it, or in case I do get it, I want my defenses up and ready. I might be flying to Europe in a week, so I will be more exposed than the average armchair warrior. Thus as you see, I have my reasons...

    So if I haven't mentioned earlier, but during the last 3 winters I have been taking Kelp pills because they contain iodide. Yes, my major line of defense is going to be this not very well known but essential element. I am not going into the history of it, but 100 years ago doctors used successfully for all kind of illnesses. Then big pharma moved in with their synthetic shit, and the non-patentable iodide fell out of fashion.

    Bromide, fluoride and iodide compete with each other in the body. Since the food industry switched to bromide 50-60 years ago, Americans are usually low in iodide anyway. Taking iodide nicely gets ride of built up bromide and fluoride, you don't want those anyway.

    "Iodine is a nonmetallic essential nutrient with a potent broad range of microbicide actions against almost all of the important health-related microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. ... Our results confirmed that PVP-I is a potent inhibitor of influenza virus production in MDCK cells."

    Alright, now let's get to the practical stuff. Naturally, Japanese seaweed contains a lot of iodide. Before you start with the "doesn't it screw up your thyroid" argument, just ask any Japanese who eats 5-15 times more iodide than the daily recommended dose, that by the way comes from a badly designed and concluded study back in the 80s I think.

    I am already taking Kelp pills. One pill is 325 mcg, and the Japanese eat 12 mg or so daily although they do cook it. One very nice side effect is an energy burst after taking the pill. So I take 3 right now, but since it is very low, I am going to switch to (drumroll please) Lugol's Solution.

    Lugol's Drops have been around forever and more. I am talking here 190 years. It is 94% destilled water, 2% iodide and 4% potassium iodide. You only need a few drops a day. I am thinking of taking at least 5 mg per day. (with the Kelp it is only 1 mg currently)

    Does it work against CV? I don't know for sure, but since we are depleted of iodide anyway, this is probably the best time to start supplementing it.

    I don't mind to be ET's lab rat and will let you know how the experience goes. If you are still around by then. :)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  2. To be honest, I skipped almost the entire paragraph just to read the last sentence. If you are over 25 your mortality rate is 3%, in which case if you're healthy, you're good. There may be over a 100k cases, but there are also over 50k recovered.
  3. Pekelo


    That is why I am not that worried, but I figured why not try it now since I wanted to get the iodide level up anyway.

    And if I can avoid a 10 day long suffering from the flu, not to mention passing it on to older relatives, then I will take every reasonable steps to do so, even if I am not in mortal danger.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  4. themickey


  5. Overnight


    The solution has been around you forever and a day.


    Always gets the iodized salt and use that, instead of sea salts. Mortons for teh win.

    P.S. Iodine is not going to stave off a virus like the influenza strains, like Corona, Rhino, and whatever else. But you're not going to die from the thing if you're reasonably healthy! OMG EVERYONE STOP THE MADNESS!

    When you can feel the spirit of music like this, you will never get sick and die. Most of our problems are mental. So get bent and benign! Let it up let it up SAY it! SAY IT!

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  6. Stay away at least 2 meters (6 feet) from any other human being and you'll have a high chance of not contracting the virus.
  7. Overnight


    There's a high chance you have it already, like any other flu virus, and are not affected by it. Just like how every single season everyone gets the Influnza-A shit, and we have our annual infection rate and deaths, but nobody gives it two whoops.

    Like how every single person on this bloody planet has Herpes Simplex A. (The cold sores that appear on the mouth.) Does everyone flare up every year with the thing? No. Does it kill you? No. Can it? Maybe, if you are genetically disposed to die from a snowflake.
  8. ph1l


    And if you want to get closer ...
  9. Pekelo


    Going to be hard when I have to take 3 planes via 4 airports.
  10. Pekelo


    1. Not enough, specially if you don't eat a lot of salt. Eating lots of salt is not good. Also depending on how you keep the salt, Iodide is evaporating from it.
    2. If it weakens the flu, I am already happy.
    3. I don't want to get it and suffer. I also don't want to pass it on to my aging relatives. That would make the whole trip worthless at minimum or even really bad at max.

    The best thing for the future would be to get the virus early, assuming iodide weakens it and the flu passes quickly. Then assuming it immunizes from further attacks, one can take the discounted travel deals offered all over the world.

    Imagine visiting Venice with 50% off and only a few people are around. :)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2020
    #10     Mar 8, 2020