Nationalize the Oil Companies, Refiners, Shippers, etc

Discussion in 'Economics' started by limitdown, May 30, 2008.

Nationalize the Oil companies, Refiners, Shippers, etc.?

Poll closed Aug 28, 2008.
  1. Why bother.....

    15 vote(s)
  2. Keep beleiving the (lies) being told by the Media (financial press, anchormen arguements and news co

    8 vote(s)
  3. Let present (extortion) conditions continue (to destroy the airline, trucker, freight distribution a

    18 vote(s)
  4. Act?

    16 vote(s)
  1. Absolutely! Like we need more power and the resultant corruption in the hands of our politicians.

    Yeah, let's be like Venezuela and all the other third world countries with nationalized oil industries!
    #51     Jun 20, 2008

  2. Im not into big gov't by any means...but can somebody tell me why when Katrina hit the gulf ( which accoutns for 15% of our oil) prices went up 100% AND NEVER CAME BACK???

    why is it that crude oil jumps 10% today they raise prices within hours to reflect hat....but if oil falls 10% over a two week span there is no change in price????

    why is it that Oil Co's profit has increased so much? if they are paying high crude prices shouldn't that eat into their profits?
    #52     Jun 20, 2008

  3. Great post. 95% of the people who post here all the time are idiots.
    #53     Jun 20, 2008
  4. RhinoGG

    RhinoGG Guest

    There are detention camps for trouble makers like you. Listen closely for "clicks and hisses" on your phone; you may be monitored.
    #54     Jun 20, 2008