Nationalize the Oil Companies, Refiners, Shippers, etc

Discussion in 'Economics' started by limitdown, May 30, 2008.

Nationalize the Oil companies, Refiners, Shippers, etc.?

Poll closed Aug 28, 2008.
  1. Why bother.....

    15 vote(s)
  2. Keep beleiving the (lies) being told by the Media (financial press, anchormen arguements and news co

    8 vote(s)
  3. Let present (extortion) conditions continue (to destroy the airline, trucker, freight distribution a

    18 vote(s)
  4. Act?

    16 vote(s)

  1. can't consider the IRA, because that is a retirement account....

    uh, that is what you were in reference to? perhaps start your own thread and explain your thesis...


    the US government, as well as others have acted in their own perceived best interest when things have risen to the extent of challenge to their smooth functioning....

    the oil industry has exceeded that point of severe action. the oil industry has caused their own script to be played out, so what happens, well, history has shown what has happened before, so.....

    what's new?
    #41     Jun 16, 2008

  2. history has pointed out these examples and what has been done previously.

    in the US, competition has been introduced to break up trusts, which were envogue at the beginning of the 20th century,

    in the US, commodity pools were broken up through severe regulation, and we have so many treasured books that talk about them:

    .. Reminices of a Stock Operator
    ... Wyckoff's writings,
    ... etc.

    in the US, when the telephone companies rose to the extent that Ma Bell (AT&T) did, they were viewed as anti-competitive and were broken apart...

    there are other examples....

    so, yes, Idiots All!

    that's our American history,,,

    yes, Idiots All!
    #42     Jun 16, 2008

  3. wow, refreshing.

    a little bit of punctuation and breaking up of the thoughts into paragraphs would have been appreciated....

    this thread is an old fashioned debate thread....

    either way, whether this thread is appreciated, hated, ignored, discussed or viewed as informative...

    this actual discussion is being held all across the US, and those defending the rights of the oil industry and its component companies are in the severe minority....

    perhaps one could attempt to convince others to protect their rights and defend their ability to continue as ongoing entities in the manner that they have done under Bush-II....
    #43     Jun 16, 2008
  4. Evidencing their lack of knowledge about the industry that they so vehemently despise. There is very little that the average American understands about this discipline, yet because its products are so entertwined in the everyday fabric, they feel compelled to manage from emotion. To scream at the heads of these companies and demote the paychecks to what most would call reasonable compensation would not have any material impact on the ability to buy buck-a-gallon gas. Get Over It!!!

    We are cajoled into thinking that merely saying, "the price will be XXX" is all that is required but somehow these companies won't do it because they want the money. This thinking is just another in the long line of responses that would have the industry filing bankruptcy. There would be hearings all over congressional dockets. Once again, no clue about what to do, just making sure we focus on a villain and making the politico's feel important.

    There is no leadership being evidenced in many areas of just plain old living today. It doesn't take a genius to figure many things out. We need no specialized experts to lay out any fictional pictures that they percieve. And in spite of all the laymen who think the government can do it, that is the worst solutioin of all. Legislation is not even an effective bandaid in a country where unlimited personal freedom is the object, the right, and the percieved entitlement of the population. A population that includes, and wishes to extend, its image of correctness upon the multitude of races that reside within its borders. Legally, and illegally!

    Because so many have abused the priviledge of driving into a right, we feel compelled to elevate its place in the American survival hierarchy. This pain-at-the-pump seems to be able to make even the sane amongst us resort to name calling and scowling. In this day and age, innovation in the minds of many has become a dusty shadow. It's no wonder that we blindly follow any perception of answer. The phantom green projects which fill so many pages of text and movie screens can bring a tear to the faces of those who have no clue. Charge!, goes the impending battle cry of activists and couch potatoe generals alike.

    No incremental plans with milestones anywhere. Just unstructured running, marching, emotional treking into the mist is the plan. Experts that claim to see the end of the journey with supposed unerring clarity, start the drums to pace the public cadence. Forget that they have no clue of how to arive at the destination, it's the starting of the actions that has become paramount. And somehow this will solve the problems of today?

    Dare I ask questions? How long the march? Is the journey a straight line, or a parabolic path through additional pains and tortures unseen? Will we all be able to travel this walk? Will it be without subsidy? Surely this trip will be at a cost, what of those who can't pay? Are they not entitled to make this God-vernment luxury/right part of their lifestyle?

    The true answer is in the entrepreneural bent that causes invention and intervention. Somewhere there is an independent type with the answer. The horizon of his/her/their moment is closing in as the public pool for causing success is now growing. Like so many ants, the answers and the solutions to the problem are there in the cracks in the major corporation thinking. Too small for them to concern themselves with at the outset. Too numerous to stop, yet not enough perceived danger to smite down.

    Mini-production plants, capable of producing 15,000 to 20,000 gallons a month of output could easily take care of some budding owners' station need. 1,000 barrels a month would take care of this plant. That's within the production of just 40 barrels a day. Modular production capabilities where a need is met could be an answer to so many ills here.

    Yet there are those who would argue the perils of such a little venture. There is no clearly discernable route to mega-fortune capability so venture capital goes lacking. No one desires to just enjoy life, it's a pursuit of the stuff of fantasy fulfilment that fuels the daily focus. And the importance of political posturing, arm-chair critisism's and nay sayer's haven's are preserved.

    If you truly seek answers to many questions that plague you, try these two things. First, make sure the person that you inquire from is NOT an expert! Self-declared or otherwise. Most experts have long since become full of themselves and no longer seek answers but form conslusions that fit their unquestionable theories. You want to find a very knowledgable person on the topic. They still will possess a modicum of humility and a better valuation of their personal position of importance in the world. Their views will still smell of wonderment and inquisition.

    Second, become mobile in your solutions. Many answers require you to change something that you have become sedimentary about. Most of the time you have to truly evaluate your historical selections, decisions, choices, and then counter your move.

    Then before you venture out on this new course, think about it then, MAKE A PLAN! Don't let your success be an accident! Get out there and cause it! :)
    #44     Jun 16, 2008

  5. well, its Wednesday, June 18th, at 10:30am and Bush-II himself is going ot set all things right...

    after all, he's the one, isn't he

    that knows best....
    that has the leadership...
    that has the answers....

    that's Johnny come lately...
    #45     Jun 18, 2008
  6. His understanding of what's going on is only surpassed by Obama's. John's only true interest is in making sure his name get's on whatever comes about. :)

    #46     Jun 18, 2008
  7. actually it does, and it too gets severe corrections every so often, as evidenced by the electoral process, where heads did roll,

    now, as to whether or not there will be substantive change and improvements remains to be seen, but holding feet to the flames, as it were, guarantees that

    the issues continue to be buring in the minds of the electorate,

    no society in history has been able to remain an ongoing concern whilest abusing, ignoring and imprisoning their citizenry with impunity....


    the abuses suffered under this conservative republican administration exceeded even their wildest dreams of achievement....

    that doesn't mean that the judiciary, the justitce departments and the other functioning segments will remain silent,

    after all, a government, country, business, entity or otherwise are made up of people, and when concensus flees, so does their purpose....

    the oil situation, which others continue to suggest is justified, and others continue to suggest has been manipulated beyond reason is one of those examples of an abusive (sub) government....

    it too will be corrected, severely

    one method is through nationalization..

    another method is through introducing significant amounts of competition, lead through governmental efforts or in essence, nationalization...

    other legendary problems seemingly without solution were faced during the late 1920's and most of the 1930's and significant and substantive actions were taken then....

    they are already being discussed now...

    .. recent news from Newt Gingrich is one example...
    .. recent calls to increase by over 100 nuclear electricity generating plants
    .. recent calls to increase drilling and opening up shale deposits...

    so, whether this thread is popular or not, its already in the process....

    Oil the way we knew it at present is in for a substantive correction....
    #47     Jun 20, 2008
  8. I gotta tell ya....What is more important then Electricty in our daily lives? Water? equal value? ...So why is it they are all regulated and have to go to the state they are domiciled in to raise rates but gas is to a system in which competition wins out????

    Ask your self that question next time you go to a street corner with 2 or 3 stations...they are all within 1/10th of a penny....Collusion??? market competition.!! LMAO
    #48     Jun 20, 2008
  9. One other side point that cracks me up:

    Exxon and Mobil, the 2 largest oil co's in the US want to merge.....knowing the importance of Gas in America and how this could create a monopoly the Gov't approved it in less time......then its taken the Gov't to approve Sirius and XM satelite radio to merge....what is more important to Americans? Gas or subscription radio??????:confused: :confused:
    #49     Jun 20, 2008
  10. pismo10


    When has the govt ever gotten involved and made things better or prices go down? Never. The more they put their hands in the more pain there will be. Nixon like wage and price controls maybe? It's not Lincoln and Jefferson down there anymore. Keep them out.
    #50     Jun 20, 2008