National Poverty Rate - A National Shame

Discussion in 'Economics' started by lindq, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. olias


    #11     Sep 17, 2010
  2. +1

    I've been saying this for a long time. Survival of the fittest. Adapt or die (poverty).
    #12     Sep 17, 2010
  3. You leftists should be happy.
    You leftists are destroying the greatest nation in the world! [​IMG]
    #13     Sep 17, 2010
  4. The answer is tax cuts for everyone. LOL
    #14     Sep 17, 2010
  5. All brought to you by the, let's outsource everything made by manufacturing, and retrain them all to sell insurance or some other shit to each other crowd. Say what you will, but the late, not so great Ronnie Raygun's lite the fuse, and everyone else piled on for a short term gain. We're paying the price for decisions made 25-30 years ago, and what's done can't be un-done.
    Obama, current owner of the mess we're in has a plan. Give them free candy, lot's of free candy.
    #15     Sep 17, 2010
  6. Goldman Sacks & Hank Paulson started it; now Obama takes up the task .....The American Century is over ...
    #16     Sep 18, 2010
  7. Mercor


    The problem is not bonuses. The amount of dollars paid in bonuses is small compared against revenue.

    Problem is that the comsumer won't pay more for goods like clothes. They want shirts for $5.
    Make them pay $20 and they will be made in the US.

    BTW it is claimed that Walmart saves the poor over $1000 a year from lower prices on all goods.
    #17     Sep 18, 2010
  8. zdreg


    this is a significant observation which means it is guaranteed to be overlooked by the ET cognoscenti. obama saw a republican administration lurch to the left, he then imagine possibilities of a socialist/ corporatist government that he never imagined possible in america. he took the ball and ran with it. unless there is a significant change resulting from the november election it is over for the US. paul krugman and the other lefty economic university professors will be running economic policy.
    #18     Sep 18, 2010

  9. Why dont they move out of that place? Go look for work in different states or cities? I never understood why someone would refuse to move out of some podunk town where there is no future.

    And why keep having kids? I mean if it is so tough with one why get knocked up 3-4 more times. At least if you only have one kid you are providing him with the best chance of moving up.
    #19     Sep 18, 2010
  10. zdreg


    it has always been about that number.. they just keeping changing the definition of poverty to keep the numbers up and the poverty pimps in washington rich.
    #20     Sep 18, 2010