NASDAQ will cancel all trades executed...

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ASusilovic, May 6, 2010.

  1. NASDAQ will cancel all trades executed between 14:40 and 15:00 >60% away from the last print in that security at or before 14:40
  2. Good. They should. That'll make the front runners pissed, but fuck 'em. :)
  3. Eddiefl


    Where did you gets this?, Source please.
  4. Would be nice if there was a comprehensive list to go along with it.

    What's with the do over mentality?:confused:
  5. was just announced on CNBC also
  6. Pursuant to rule 11890(b), NASDAQ, on its own motion, will cancel all trades executed between 14:40:00 and 15:00:00 greater than or less than 60% away from the consolidated last print in that security at 14:40:00 or immediately prior. This decision cannot be appealed. NASDAQ has coordinated this decision with all other UTP Exchanges. NASDAQ will be canceling trades on the participant’s behalf. The stocks affected and the break points will be disseminated shortly.
  7. how many stocks dropped 60%? maybe a few thinly traded ones? anybody has the data?
  8. gimp570


    So you traded PG during this time frame....then the trades will be busted??

    Is there anyting that one neeeds to do?
  9. gimp570


    Pursuant to rule 11890(b), NASDAQ, on its own motion, will cancel all trades executed between 14:40:00 and 15:00:00 greater than or less than 60% away from the consolidated last print in that security at 14:40:00 or immediately prior. This decision cannot be appealed. NASDAQ has coordinated this decision with all other UTP Exchanges. NASDAQ will be canceling trades on the participant’s behalf. The stocks affected and the break points will be disseminated shortly.'

    this is what it says...not sure what it means
  10. #10     May 6, 2010