NASDAQ symbol in eSignal Pro

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by ambarov, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. ambarov


    sorry for my english (I'm from Kiev, Ukraine).
    And sorry if I've chosen wrong branch.

    Let me ask, which symbol in eSignal Pro exactly means NASDAQ ECN?

    For example, if we print on chart JPM=N, it means SDOT ECN and we can see only NYSE prints without ARCA, BATS, EDGX etc.

    If we print on chart GOOG=Q, we can see prints on NSDQ ECN, if I understand right, but on daily chart the price on close is the price of the stock at 5 p.m., not at 4 p.m. Why?
    NASDAQ works from 9:30 a.m. till 4 p.m. if I understand right.

    Thank you.