Nasdaq 100 historical earnings

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by dakr, Feb 21, 2022.

  1. dakr


    Where can I source the nasdaq100 (or something close to NDX) historical earnings going back as far as possible, preferably prior to tech bubble. Just the total earnings is fine.
  2. ZBZB


  3. taowave


    That's a long time ago...Gurufocus may be the only source I can think of going back 30 years

  4. Peter8519


    The data is available at SEC's edgar archive. You need to know the 10 digit CIK number e.g. AAPL 0000320193.
    This link will bring you to the AAPL 10-Q page.
    Select either 10-K(annual) or 10-Q(quarter)

    Click on Filling of each report

    Click on interactive data

    Click Financial Statement and there are the data.
  5. NorgateData

    NorgateData Sponsor

    Since Jan 1995 there have been 411 stocks that have been a constituent of the Nasdaq-100 at some point in time.... there's a fair amount of research involved to look up each one.
  6. dakr


    Thanks, a wealth of knowledge this forum is. It's 'possible' using ycharts and SEC filings but involves a lot of manual compiling. All I'm trying to do is put together a similar data to Robert Schiller but for Nasdaq. Surprised someone hasn't already done and published this.

    For now I think the easiest way is to get onto QuantConnect and do it programatically