NASA: Al Gore, It's The Sun Stupid!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Lucrum


    #31     Jun 5, 2009
  2. So to summarize so far:

    There was no ice in Greenland 1000 years ago.

    Okay there was ice, but nobody lived there.

    All the ice is on water.

    Okay, some ice is on land, but probably not much.

    Climate change is not happening because a single member of the IPCC says that it isn't, plus one "reviewer" (btw anyone can be a reviewer.

    Okay, even if there is increasing Co2 the plants will take care of it because deforestation isn't happening.

    And even if the antarctic ice melts there will just be more polar precipitation, even though the antarctic is classified as a desert due to low precipitation.
    #32     Jun 5, 2009
  3. Do you make your shit up as you go along?
    #33     Jun 5, 2009
  4. If this is the extent of your scientific argument, then I think you may wish to sit this one out.
    #34     Jun 5, 2009
  5. Unbelievable, isn't Tresor???

    What can you do on an island? You can only be a fisherman or a robber / conqueror, like Vikings were. Hasn't he ever heard of farmers or hunters, who don't happen to wander inland??? WHAT???????? Did these same Vikings NOT pillage Europe for many decades???? They stayed on the coast???? WHAT????

    The ice is 100,000 years old and 2 miles thick, but it wasn't there a 1000 years ago. I guess Tresor figured out a way the Vikings hid the ice for a few centuries

    Now I know why college grads make about 80% more than HS grads. They have to learn something called using facts, and not basing it on a your own lack of knowledge..:D
    #35     Jun 5, 2009
  6. #36     Jun 5, 2009
  7. Tresor


    The island was called Green Land not for jocular purposes. Answer my previous question: How many billions of cars humans drove 1000 years ago to be able to pollute the Earth to the extend that one could grow apples in Greenland?

    What heavy industry was on Earth at that time to make today's people believe that it's them who make the climate change, not the sun / other non-human factors?

    You are putting words in my mouth.

    Again, you are putting words in my mouth. What I sad was: ''Now what happens? Human beings dig out these transformed plants as carbon, oil and gas. They burn them and release CO2. Humans do not produce CO2, as Al Gore wants you to believe. This CO2 has always been on this planet. Even if you burn all carbon and gas reserves of the Earth you will still not exceed the level of CO2 that was during the Jurassic period! This is logically not possible. If someone claims the opposite, he / she is insulting his / her brain.

    Indeed, if you claim the opposite you are insulting your brain :D

    What you seem to lack in your thinking process is that plants consist mainly of carbohydrates and water. To survive they need carbon! This is the basic knowledge one can get from the elementary school. How do plants get carbon? From CO2. CO2, contary to what you and Al Gore think, is not an unwanted industrial by-product, it is a natural gas, that alway existed on Earth. Without CO2 there would be no oxigen. The higher level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the better cycling of carbon, the better life. Simple as that.

    It is called the water cycle. Your geography teacher may have told you that years ago. He may have also told you that it was not a static phenomenom.

    #37     Jun 5, 2009
  8. Archimedes' principle

    If all the ice floating on the oceans melts, there will be no change in sea level.

    This, however, is not the point. Should all ice not floating on the oceans melt (or even part of it) then the sea level certainly will rise - by quite a lot.
    #38     Jun 5, 2009
  9. Tresor


    More arguments followed later in my post. If you choose to believe CNN and Al Gore and not your elementary school teachers of physics, bilology and geography, then why the heck did you go to school for?
    #39     Jun 5, 2009
  10. the only question i have is why does the idiot left so quickly buy into this scam.

    the Goracle stands to make a billion dollars from this, yet the idiot-left would not dare question his motives.

    there are PLENTY OF HIGHLY CREDENTIALED climate scientists who have declared this to be COMPLETE BUNK, (the dude who discovered the gulf stream and founder of modern day climateology for one)

    yet the idiot-left simply questions the doubters,' (or more regularly described as 'deniers', 'flat-earthers), motives.

    there is a reason why i always refer to the left as the IDIOT-LEFT. they are the useful idiots after-all.

    Dr. Reid Bryson,"The Father of Modern Climatology" on Global Warming
    #40     Jun 5, 2009