Napolitano is on Obama's Supreme Court List

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, May 13, 2009.

  1. Call it what it is. Its a terrorist attack. Euphemisms are nice way to shelter yourself from reality.

    Did Bush's DHS release that memo? No, they didn't. Obama's did, that makes it his and only his responsiblity. So that is another weak argument.

    You totally ignored the Canada thing. Nice job.
    #11     May 15, 2009
  2. Like "enhanced interrogation technique" is a euphemism for torture? You mean like that?
    Transparancy, remember? Who's seeking shelter from reality now?
    Did I? You tend to totally ignore the thinking thing.
    #12     May 15, 2009
  3. So your defense is that 'enhanced interrogation technique' is a euphemism? Whats the point? What does it have to do with her refusing to uses the words 'terrorist attack'? I can think of 1000 euphemisms for various things, how does that make her behavior any better? Please explain, because your defense has a huge logical fallacy, but I would expect no less from you.

    I have no idea what point you are trying to make about transparancy. She released and put her seal of approval on a memo that maligned veterans in the name of transparancy? Wow, now that is rich. Except it makes no sense. Please explain what kind of screwed up logic you are using.

    Yes, you completely ignored the Canada issue. You said she misspoke. She did not misspeak at all. She said what she thought was true. Are you claiming that she knew the hijackers did not come from Canada but she said they did anyway? Or did she think the hijackers came from Canada so she said they came from Canada? How can she be head of Homeland Security when does not know this MAJOR fact? What else does she not know that she should know?

    Go back and try a little harder, maybe you will do better next time.
    #13     May 15, 2009
  4. :)
    #14     May 15, 2009
  5. #15     May 15, 2009
  6. You are an idiot. You completely contradicted your original point.

    "The Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this year launched a nationwide operation targeting white supremacists and "militia/sovereign-citizen extremist groups," including a focus on veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, according to memos sent from bureau headquarters to field offices."

    It says right here they were focusing on veterans returning from Iraq and Afganistan.

    "The initiative, dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle, was outlined in February, two months before a memo giving a similar warning was issued on April 7 by the Department of Homeland Security."

    Hmm, it was outlined in February. Hmmmm?

    Checkmate. You lose.
    #16     May 15, 2009
  7. You are unbelievably obtuse and possess the cognitive capacity of an overripe turnip. How difficult it must be for you, being too stupid to live and yet too dumb to die.
    #17     May 15, 2009

  8. Yawn. When statists lose they resort to name calling.
    #18     May 15, 2009
  9. Actually, no. You have been rendered an objective assessment. Your yawning stems from obvious and prolonged oxygen deprivation.
    #19     May 15, 2009
  10. You give him too much credit and insult turnips; for shame!!!!!

    #20     May 15, 2009