Najarian's optionMONSTER InsideOptions?

Discussion in 'Options' started by Jahajee, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Ask them this question and immediately you will be alert:

    What is the risk/reward ratio of a condor for the worst trade.

    Usually, they will give the answer with a but aftewards. Or they would say "before I answer let me.... Then the answer".

    Once you have lost some money from your account, and also money paying others to help you, come back and we can talk on how to help.
    #11     Aug 12, 2008
  2. I loved broking these babys 4 comms in one trade and you could do as many as you like as the locals were happy to sell them to you.
    #12     Aug 12, 2008
  3. You can make some very nice profits with butterflies doing that try to pick them up close to expiry (ie a week or so out)
    #13     Aug 12, 2008
  4. I followed this guy back in the early 2000's before I had a clue and never made a single dime off his rec's. Stay very clear of his service. He is not as smart as he looks on TV.
    #14     Aug 12, 2008
  5. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    You have probably wised up over the years, so you may have a point. I've only seen the guy on TV, never listened to what he has to say or seen any of his services, but saying I followed this guy back in the early 2000's before I had a clue and never made a single dime off his rec's. in my opinion doesnt really say anything that is of use. It simply says that a person who didnt have any idea of what he was doing was unable to use the service effectively, which is practically a given.

    As I said I don't know anything about Dr. J, and will also add the note that the only thing I have ever managed to do trading options is bleed, so I'm hardly an expert myself :)
    #15     Aug 12, 2008
  6. \

    He looks like stupid pony tailed gypo. Though he isnt a complete plum he does have an idea about the market from a traders perspective thoug I have never seen any of his reco's
    #16     Aug 12, 2008
  7. You think he looks smart on TV? OMG!! That cute little bald /rattail combo has got to be a lady killer. Then the brother with the exact same look....stunning.
    #17     Aug 12, 2008
  8. John and Petey's dad is chief and Chairman of Organ Transplant surgery at gopher State. As the old saying goes they were born on third and thought they hit a home run.

    I wonder if the dad wears a rattail in surgery too?
    #18     Aug 12, 2008
  9. ha ha, you're probably right. I was my own worst enemy back then but everthing he recommended went south. The only trade I won on that he rec'd was WMT and that was a day after one of the worst Nas days at that time. It was a flight to quality call and he nailed it. I made about 5 points on the bugger. It was all downhill from there.

    I think it comes down to this.....there's nothing wrong with using someone else for research, or trading ideas but when the rubber hits the pavement you have to be a leader. I certainly wasn't a leader back then.

    #19     Aug 12, 2008
  10. I can't remember if it was the older of the two or they had an older brother, but I'm pretty sure one of them was the Marlboro man for awhile way back when there was cigarette ads. I remember reading it in the campus paper at U of Minn..
    #20     Aug 12, 2008