Nagging Thought... "Has it ALL just been one false flag after another since 9/11?"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. Since the announcement of The Patriot Act, especially so soon after 9/11, I've suspected the twin towers attacks to be an "inside job" in one form or another.

    Has all of the warring in the ME been a false flag too? Bush gets the ball rolling with his warring in Iraq on false pretenses. America bombs a lot of the ME, destroying the homes of Muslims. They have to live somewhere, so they migrate to the West... and we "owe it to them to take them in/support them because we destroyed their homes"?

    Was the mass shooting in Vegas another false attempt to spur legislation to confiscate our firearms?

    All parts of the nefarious plan to destroy America (and Europe) so the Lefty Globalists can "step in and save us from the carnage", leaving them in total tryannical control?

    Is this why they hate Trump so much? They almost had the deal "nailed shut" and likely would have with a Hellary win, but Trump's been a "turd in their punchbowl".

    Anybody care to try to assuage my concerns?? Or am I just paranoid, anti-government?
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  2. traderob


    Yep, pretty much (on this issue). Nothing wrong with being anti-govt.
    But don't jump into crazed conspiracy theories- leave that for the left, CNN , washpo, Time magazine, newsweek, meuller, brennan, comey et al,
    Poindexter likes this.
  3. I don't think my "conspiracy theory" is at all crazed. It's my current working hypothesis until shown otherwise. If one bothers to think about it, all of the pieces could fit into that mosaic.
  4. Assuming you're looking for a serious answer to a serious question, yes, you're paranoid. As someone who has watched your posts devolve into rambling nonsense over the years, someone who has actually done some small business transactions with you years ago, someone who respects your technical and trading expertise, it's been sad to watch. Stop watching the radical fringe lunatics on the right, take a breath, and if necessary go get some counseling.
  5. UsualName


    I’ll assuage your concerns. 1. You’re crazy and 2. The world got really ducked up after 9/11.

    The fact is guns are out of control in America. There is simply too many of them and not enough regulation. That is the fault of the nra.

    Upending the Middle East was a major, Major, MAJOR debacle after 9/11. This was done by some very misguided people in the Bush administration and sold to us under the swell of nationalism that arose after 9/11.

    There are many lessons to be learned from 9/11, one is the dangers of nationalism.

    So, stop being crazy. There is no connection between gunnpolicy in America and the fallout from our military efforts post 9/11.

  6. Whenever an explanation from the government defies the laws of physics (the magic bullet in JFK assassination, the free fall collapse of all 3 WTC towers blamed on fire etc), you don't need anything more to call the explanation BS, cover-up, and conspiracy of rogue elements in the (shadow) government and/or the Establishment.

    World history has been a compilation of events filled with dark schemes and conspiracies.

    No reason to believe it would stop happening now.

    Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, ... MK Ultra ... Gulf of Tonkin False Flag, Operation Iraqi Freedom, War Against Drugs, War on Terrorism, ... (too long to list)

    Allen Dulles (fired by JFK, then sat on the Warren Commission in the investigation of the assassination):

    "The intelligence service is the ideal vehicle in a conspiracy."

    "The American people don't read."
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  7. The reality is that guys like elitenapper won't get likely get better.

    They will only ever cause harm to others living in their paranoid & broken little worlds.


    Looking at what can be done for conspiracy theory addicts not a lot is evident. It seems pretty bleak.

    "Regardless of the outcome of these future studies, the real question for us now is how to deal with the Uncle Joe in our life. You may offer counterevidence in an attempt convince him to give up his conspiracy theories, but you’re unlikely to succeed. This is because you’re arguing facts, while Uncle Joe is defending his sense of security and his positive feelings about himself. And for all of us, self-image trumps facts every time."
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  8. Blah.

    Let's see how good you really are in REAL analytic thinking, common knowledge, and common sense.

    Below is a high school level physics problem I'd first presented to government propaganda junkies 12 years ago in the discussion of the BS 9/11 Commission Report. See if you can do it.

    Imagine a vertical stack of 110 thin plates of mass m, equally spaced from each other, and suspended mid air by some magic power. The plates are separated at 3.80 meters, same for the bottom plate from the ground. Suppose that the magic power supporting each plate disappears instantaneously upon contact by the plate above, and that the plates drop together under gravity g. If the top plate starts to drop at time t=0, what is t when the bottom plate hits the ground?

    The average high school student should be able to finish it in 1 hour. Feel free to spend a few days on it. Compare t to the time taken by Tower 1 and Tower 2 in their collapse.

    The original problem has 3 parts. But I believe the 1st part here would suffice to prove the point if you can actually find t correctly.
  9. Dude, the towers did not freefall. Some people measured the time of the fall wrong and went of into crazy land. Dunning Kruger effect and blindness to checking measurements / making measurements fit the narrative.

    This has been debunked so many times it is crazy.

    But.. you will not stop.

    They say there is good in everything so if we do hear of your gun suicide that will make those figures a little less depressing.

    I'm heading out to a birthday party. The gun is there, make the world a better place tonight. There is no cure for you and you will just corrupt everything you encounter.
    #10     Aug 2, 2018