Hi, has anybody used or heard how "MyTrack" software and charts is ? Their prices seem good, but maybe it's a get what you pay for :-( Right now I'm looking for a realtime charting service really just for the mini-futures with just some simple indicators on it (at least a couple of moving averages). Really that's all I want I'm just trying to keep things simple, it stops me being drawn emotionally by everything else going on I'm using Q-charts right now and to be honest I'm not impressed, especially for $80 a month, am I being too cheap ? (you don't have to answer that
Hi, Mytrack does not offer great charts for realtime. It is the same price than QCharts. MyTrack is more reliable though, but that's not difficult because QCharts has big problems for months now [I did quit them for MyTrack]. Because I do swing trading, MyTrack and AIQ is right for me. But not good for DayTrading. RavenQuote is very good but based on Quote.com datafeed. Use the eSignal support of RavenQuote [did not try it, but the combination should be good, since eSignal is very good and RavenQuote too]. The nice thing with MyTrack is that you can build your own indicators and rules [with RavenQuote too, that's why I compare them]. WindowOnWallStreet was OK too [but no programmation]. For the price, forget it. $80 is minimum for good realtime data. It can get much higher too.
Hey Hawaii, howzit? FWIW, give Tradestation Pro a try. For the price, I can't find anything better. As a test, I'm running TS on one computer and esignal on another machine right now...so far, they are running even. Yesterday morning, at the open, TS did seem to "stall" for a few seconds but nothing bad after that. I think they have a ten day freebee trial period...good luck. Aloha, Wahiawa Jim (in MI now, however)
Quicken is selling an interesting feed with everything you need at an unbeatable price. Their feed is a sp comstock feed. Check here: http://qql.quicken.com/pricing
Hi Andy, I used the myTrack software a couple of years ago. I remember that realtime was something like $19.95 per month. You can run it separately from AIQ (another $59.95 per month). The feed was a good one as I remember. Like most quote services, intraday data is kept for only 6 to 10 days or so. This is very small compared to QCharts. However, the price is right, and to start out with your system, it should have everything you are looking for. You'll notice that it doesn't have the smoothness of the charts in QCharts or any other charting package. Rather than tracing a smooth line, indicators will appear in stepped fashion, looking a bit jagged. Technically, it's a correct representation of the values, but it just takes some getting used to.