My solution to Californias Budget crisis.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. I would disband public education and get vouchers for them to go to private schools.

    Cali spends something like $13k a student. You can go to a great private school for half that if you introduced competition into the system.
    #21     Jun 20, 2009
  2. Public education has no business raising kids. That's the parents job.
    #22     Jun 20, 2009
  3. Ever wonder why no recent president - neither Republican or Democrat ever really addresses the illegal citizen issue?

    1. Food Costs - migrant workers are very cheap - though I would agree that the cost in healtcare, police, etc.. ultimatley shifts the cost to society in other ways.

    2. Natonal Security - remittances to Mexico by migrant and other illegal workers are what is holding up that corrupt country. Without the flow of those dollars south of the border, we would have the equivalent of Iraq on our southern border. Illegal workers in the US ultimately pay those Mexican bonds. Remember the peso crisis? There has also been a flood of illegals ever since. See the connection?

    3. Political reasons - the Latin American vote.

    As for Education - I think it's a bloated scam. Either kids want to learn, or they don't - and only the parents can force that. Sure there is a baseline on what a school will cost - but it means nothing without parent involvement. Other countries spend less, but you know what? Those kids spend hours more a night at home reading those same friggin math and science books.
    #23     Jun 20, 2009
  4. Peil's got a good point.
    Just stop public education, NOW. It's like the war on drugs, a sham. I taught 7th and 8th grade for 5 years, and it's like stacking fleas. Force feeding a young person information they don't want is an exercise in futile wastefullness.
    School boards spend millions on bldgs, when tilt-a-wall or metal bldgs are the answer. These huge monuments to mammon cost us all untold millions to heat, cool and repair.
    Curriculum is a scam, and the people making $$ are the Ed.D's and PhD's who don't give a shit what's in the book...
    Speaking of books, why not use those USMC laptops that are sand/water/bullet proof, getting the software for free? Laptops are bolted to the desks, and there's no homework. You PRODUCE in the 6 hrs you're in skool, and then GO HOME.
    No sports after skool, no band, choir, hell with that shit.
    How many guys do you know are making a living playing trombone? Sure, some gals make a living showing their crotch cuz they learned how to do that in some dance class at skool, but how long can that career last?
    So, for all the graft and idiocy in public education, shut it down. Stop the bleeding.
    Libraries are still free.
    #24     Jun 20, 2009
  5. Libraries may be free, but employers want to see formal education on a resume. "I studied at the library in my spare time" isn't good enough.

    Somewhere along the way, a college degree became a minimum requirement to land a job that pays a livable wage. Pretty soon you're going to need a PhD in order to wipe your own ass.

    I know that skilled trades are the exception, but those jobs usually go to somebody's brother in law.
    #25     Jun 21, 2009
  6. The FED & STATE governments should also STOP supporting/encouraging so many fools to have 3-4-5-6 kids!

    It's a HUGE drain on resources and other taxpayers. You have people with sometimes NO kids paying for the education & welfare of others with 5-6!

    That's not a fair system!
    #26     Jun 21, 2009
  7. toc


    'There...30 seconds and i just saved CA 50 billion dollars (and probably a few 100 billion for the federal.) Make me Governor now.'

    Cuntdrops! education is what turns nations into superpowers. US is no exception. Now wasting budget into some real cuntdrop type program is one thing but merely teaching folks to read, write and math and then send them fending for ownself would be creating one big FREE PRISON.

    #27     Jun 21, 2009
  8. cszulc


    Teacher pay is not the problem - administrator pay is!

    I don't have data on California, but I am guessing it is still very high. In my state, Illinois, we pay our administrators hundreds of thousands for District Superintendents.

    Teaching for 21 years, Neil Codell, of Niles Township High School, made $411,511 for being a District Superintendent. I have no doubt these people do just as much as or even less than the teacher making $50,000 or $75,000.

    The guy in my district, Dennis Kelly, is #4 in Illinois and made $342,075 last year.

    Unbelievable, cut the pay to $125k max and you can solve part of any budget crisis.
    #28     Jun 21, 2009
  9. Well, you got the white part right. But I don't take drugs and I have girlfriend.

    I don't understand why someone can be for legalization even if they don't do drugs.

    However, from your statements on this thread, I can tell you are a boy lover but you are not for equal rights for gays since you are still living in the closet.

    #29     Jun 21, 2009
  10. Humpy


    Got it folks - here is what to do !!

    Take a poll and all those in favour of eliminating
    1 million wackoes
    2 million druggies
    3 million sodomites
    4 million crooks


    At midnight on the next full moon all those good citizens of Cali jump up and down all along the San Andreas fault line.

    The whole State slides into the Pacific and is gone forever

    Hasta La Vista baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. spare Beyonce 'cos I fancy her
    #30     Jun 21, 2009