My Plan (part two)

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Hester, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Sounds good, just have a plan for when/if the market starts to reverse lower below your entries. Talk on the street, and I agree, we are in a bubbly economy and bubbly stock market right now.

    It would not surprise me in any way, if SPY tanked another 40% below it's march lows.


    P.S I forgot to mention last night, don't listen to anyone else, people are your worse assets. You can rely only on yourself and you have done well so far by doing this. Good Job. Just way all the facts and make your own choices! I'll be watching you, hope you do well..

    #11     Sep 17, 2009
  2. Wow, you must of been blessed to the fucking maximum to get ahold of $650,000 in realestate being 18 years old... either that or it's bullshit to some degree.

    Seriously though, if your actually telling the truth being 18 with $650k - $800k don't blow all of it figuring out if you can play the market or not. Your approach of 30k and the rest in savings is a good idea, keep it that way. If you cannot profit off 30k over time then the market isn't going to work.

    $650k is enough to easily live the rest of your life in peace. Be smart.
    #12     Sep 17, 2009
  3. Surdo


    The key word "being smart", he can easily piss that away well before 30 years old!
    #13     Sep 17, 2009
  4. Being realistic I would say that if most people aquired $650k by the time they were 18, they'de do exactly that. Most 18 year olds would blow that in a year.
    #14     Sep 17, 2009