My now "not" so secret philosophy to trading successfully.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ChartingMarkets, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. tenfly


    Great post. As a fairly new trader, I read it and just kept nodding my head and agreeing. At first, I was one of those guys...the guy that would spend hours researching about indicators to figure out what they do, expecting the indicators to be the special answer to everything. "OH! If my stochastic indicator says it's gonna tank, well then hell, it's gonna tank! I'm going short!"..Only to be burned and end up losing money.

    I'd put all my faith into indicators, into doing what the guy next to me is doing, into forcing myself to do better cus the guy down the row is making more money right now..

    Then finally, I just realized it's all about me. I stopped relying on indicators and actually got rid of all of them on my charts. I just looked at the basic pattern and 'felt' what I think is right. I figured that a lot of it just boiled down to intuition.

    It was then that I started consistently making money, and making more money then I've made in the past. I'll admit, I still wouldn't call myself a professional. I wouldn't call myself a great trader either. But I will call myself a trader, and to me - thats all I need to hear. I'm a trader, and dammit, I'm proud :)

    #21     Jan 22, 2004