My name is Kennedy and I

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CaptainObvious, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. What elected political position did IKE hold before being elected president?

    A Davis recall happened, in as much as the voters called for an election, which resulted in Ahnold ousting Davis. That's the California process.

    There is nothing illegal that I can see happening in New York...

    Hillary resigns from the Senate, so does Obama, so does Biden. Each state then has their own process to fill that position.

    States differ in the way in which the slots are filled.

    You don't like the choice of CK, so what, that should surprise anyone?

    When you can make a cogent argument that demonstrates that some law is being violated if CK is appointed to replace Hillary...please do so.

    However, how New York decides to fill the vacancy is something of which you have no standing to decide, they have their process, you don't live there, and as a so called "states rights supporter" perhaps you should just keep your pie-hole shut about it.

    #21     Dec 17, 2008
  2. I'm guessing you'd have been okay with it and would not have cried yourself to sleep every night.
    #22     Dec 17, 2008
  3. Unlike you who obsesses over the politics of a country you don't live in-I could give two shits who serves as Governor of California.
    #23     Dec 17, 2008
  4. As someone with so much to spare, that's easy for you to say.
    #24     Dec 17, 2008
  5. Eisenhower was ELECTED as President.

    No one is suggesting there's anything illegal, any thing not the perusal of Governor Patterson, nothing that EOD I care deeply about. Hell she's replacing a Senator who wasn't even a bona fide resident yet who was elected.

    This issue strikes to nepotism, elitism and the star machinery culture which are themes in concerned discussions ranging beyond partisan politics. In light of the Illinois situation the Kennedy quest seems all-out friggin' ridiculous. Blago is at least cynically honest about the process. If one is expected to appoint the rich and pedigreed then just auction the seat.....

    #25     Dec 17, 2008
  6. Well said!!!!:D
    #26     Dec 17, 2008
  7. Lucrum


    #27     Dec 17, 2008
  8. kut2k2


    Funny how you guys never protest whenever Gord from Alberta weighs in. Oh yeah, he's on your side. :p

    Regarding CK, it's great just to see her potential appointment get all these right-wing panties in a twist. Better entertainment than Comedy Central! :D
    #28     Dec 17, 2008
  9. Go back to the previous comments of yours where you were discussing that CK had never been elected to any political office, as if that somehow was a disqualification.

    IKE was never elected to any political office before he ran for president.

    Now that that point has been made, nepotism elitism and the star machinery culture is alive in both parties.

    I get it, you don't like CK.

    But you have no standing when it comes to argument about the process, simply because we both know if a right winger was being appointed that you liked, you wouldn't be bitching now about CK.

    #29     Dec 17, 2008
  10. The left likes to conveniently forget just how crooked the Kennedy family was, and still is. At least old Joe was a proper villain. The family has been reduced to a bunch if inbred drunks, drug addicts, rapists...and then there's Teddy.
    #30     Dec 17, 2008